Let's Talk Movies #1: Scarface

in #busy7 years ago


I really enjoyed making my Let's talk albums series, so I thought, why not expand that into other forms of media that I enjoy? I watch movies of almost all genres so a lot more people should be able to relate since it won't all just be one genre (rap with my album talks).


Perhaps one of my favorite movies of all time actually.Al Pacino is pretty fantastic in general with everything that he does, but his performance in Scarface is just even better to me than Godfather. Well maybe I shouldn't be talking about his performance, but more or less of how much I love the character of Tony Montana. Everything about his rise and fall of a character really just makes me want to keep watching the movie over and over again.

Let's start off with the fact that this movie actually came out in 1983, which is before I was born! Sorry to the older Steemit users who will inevitably mention how I made them feel old by saying that :(. I've heard how big of a cultural impact, for better or worse, that this movie had on the country when it came out. People in my old neighborhood used to talk about the days when Scarface came out, how kids in the streets were running around pretending to be Tony, shooting massive pretend guns. I can imagine how the movie may inspire some, but sometimes there are ways to take that inspiration for better!

Tony's drive for success, although through illicit means, is work ethic that can be transcribed to other situations that anyone would be in. When I imagine myself possibly being rich one day, I just imagine myself sitting like Tony in his bathtub. I certainly wouldn't be as mean to my wife as he is, but you get the point. Having "The World Is Yours" on a huge globe in the middle of your house does sound pretty cool though...

Despite all the violent acts in this movie, there are some dialogues in the movie that really stand out to me. One of those is the scene that happens in the restaurant. Tony's wife gets mad at him and starts yelling, which leads the whole crowd to turn to look at the spectacle. As Tony is drunkenly/high leaving the restaurant, he yells that everyone expects him to be the bad guy. He insists that the world needs someone to see as the bad guy, and he is there to play that part. I may not have typed that out perfect, but that is the gist of what is said. Definitely a cool moment.

Scarface is one of those timeless movies for me that will never get old. I wish I was alive when it was released to experience it at that time, but seeing it years later will have to do :).

What do you think of the movie Scarface?


Oh my husband will love this , Thanks

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