Day 30 of Free Write: Syrup Prompt

in #busy6 years ago


I've been really intermittent with how much I am able to write on Steemit, what else is new with me in the past couple weeks, right? lol. Alright I chose to go back a few prompts to pick out one like this that I missed. Syrup is quite the prompt alright. There isn't much to say about syrup, but there is one thing that I know for sure about it and that is where it is stored.

All my childhood my family always stored our syrup in the fridge. Just a regular old Aunt Jemima bottle would always be in there. It wasn't until recently that I found out that most people actually store their syrup in a PANTRY not a FRIDGE. Well this was just bizarre to me, but one of my friends mentioned it one time when he was over and all my other friends agreed that their families put the syrup in the pantry. I know this isn't the most interesting thing you can say about syrup, but it is definitely the one thing that came to my mind when I saw the prompt.

Besides dragging that small fact out for as long as I could during those five minutes (lol), I feel that it is necessary for us to all discuss our favorite syrups. I know authentic syrup is always going to be much better, but we can at least spend time talking about the store bought ones! With that being said, AUNT JEMIMA OR NOTHING!

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Nice writeup

We use fridge too growing up, lovely post

Glad my family isn't the only one!

Let the debate begin! Yes, it's got to be real maple syrup for me. I can't have anything called "maple flavored syrup". lol

Can't blame you on the real maple syrup!

I love small subtleties like this that exist from family unit to family unit! We use to always keep ours in pantry. When I was reading this all I could think was wouldn't it make it a lot harder to pour the syrup on because it would be so cold?? haha this was enjoyable to see a small snapshot into your upbringing. Cheers :)

I guess we never had any issues still! Maybe since it was "fake" syrup.

Haha yeah fair enough! Thanks for making me have a bit of nostalgia about putting aunt jemima on my eggo waffles :D

I grew up with fridge syrup (and it was store brand). It wasn't until I started having real maple syrup that I started putting it in the cupboard. One thing I like about the few times I go out for breakfast is trying new syrups that some of the diners in my area have. You have to ask them though if it is simply flavored pancake syrup. Some of them try to trick you with fancy bottles.

Today's prompt comes to you as an advertisement in the Freewrite Gazette. It's right above the Lost & Found on page 2. (Side note, if anyone has found a left prosthetic leg - last seen Tuesday night at Mugsy's Pub - please return it to Eugene at the Rec Center.)

Freewrite Prompt Day 141 - Grocery List

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