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RE: Dining with Bozz: Columbus, OH (again)

in #busy5 years ago

It looks the part but it's all about the taste. I live in Lancashire where they play it safe and cook the F&C in vegetable oil, wheres over the 'border' in Yorkshire they use Lard, which will likely kill you faster, but oh... the taste is so much better.

Ask them what they cook it in, if it's not 'Lard' then you have not yet tasted Fish and Chips heaven.


Over here it is probably peanut oil or something with a high smoking point like that. The good thing about it was it wasn't too greasy, but it was still obviously fried. The flavor of the fish itself was phenomenal and the ratio of breading to fish was probably some of the best I have tasted.

The serve it with nut oil in North-East England and it's quite decent. I would say they are probably better than the Lancashire offerings we have locally.

It's the coating flavour you get on the chips that is very distinctive.

You may have to visit Yorkshire to get the gourmet delight of what England's finest dish is.

Trust me, it is on my bucket list!

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