Know my state Lara

in #busy7 years ago

Hello friends as many will know I am a Venezuelan born in Lara State and I want to know a little about my state.


its limits: To the north with is Falcon state, to the south with the Trujillo and Portuguesa states; to the east with Yaracuy and Portuguesa and to the west with the Zulia state. His name was given in commemoration of the hero of Independence, General Jacinto Lara, a native of the city of El Tocuyo. Its capital is the thriving city of Barquisimeto,

Main cities

Its capital Barquisimeto, Carora, Cabudare, El Tocuyo, Quibor, Duaca and Cubiro.


Your shield and flag



Lara state corresponds mostly to the Coriano system, but it is also very important the portion of the state that is located in the Andes mountain range and that, the central part of the high plateau that joins the cities of Barquisimeto and Carora.

Economic activities

Due to its geographical location, the capital of the state of Barquisimeto, it has always been a large commercial center where merchants, farmers and ranchers have converged for a long time and still do so. The state in general, can be considered mainly agricultural, because it is the activity that occupies the largest amount of labor. Great producer of coffee, sugar cane, cocuiza, corn, fruit products, citrus fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, onions and, lately, grapes for the elaboration of table wines. It is also worth mentioning the wood activity in the area, where samanes, cedars, ceibas, dividive and others grow. The cattle activity is represented in Carora by cattle, goats, pigs, horses, goats and sheep. There is an important development in aviculture, beekeeping, liquor store, with important production of high quality rums in La Miel and winemaking. The latter advised by a major French industrialists. It should be noted that due to its climate, the production of grapes, with more than one annual harvest, will allow it to arrive in half the time to produce wines of good quality, which will cost countries in our hemisphere, which currently compete. favorably with European countries, traditionally producers of this product since ancient times. Also very important is the industrial and artisanal activity, represented by textiles, tanneries, sisal, footwear, plastics, dairy products, etc.


On the occasion of its four-year anniversary in 1952, the highest obelisk in Venezuela was erected in Barquisimeto, from where you can contemplate its famous sunsets, which have been called the "City of Twilights". Apart from Barquisimeto, which has cultural, musical, museums, temples and theaters, it is worth visiting the historic and colonial area of ​​Carora, the relics of El Tocuyo, a city that was strongly affected by an earthquake in 1950. Quibor with its museums and famous crafts and archeology; Sanare, beautiful town nestled in the Andes, where you can also buy beautiful crafts. Also we can not stop recommending a visit to the Humocaro, Alto and Bajo, the latter with a beautiful Bolívar square, at the foot of a high mountain and surrounded by beautiful chaguaramos.


All this and much more is my state its people, its food, its kindness the best state in the world because being Guaro is not anything,

For more information about what is my land go to the main source cited in the text in Spanish, good night.


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