Be like the guy who painted Facebook

in #busy6 years ago


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Remember the guy who got a share of Facebook just by painting their office a long time ago when Facebook was nothing? He accepted a share of Facebook for his work when the shares had little value. Same opportunity is available in the Blockchain space today.

Companies are building solutions in a Blockchain, disrupting the existing and unfair system for a better and transparent system on a Public ledger.

Like that Facebook guy, the way to own a part of these big companies is for you to Start buying cryptocurrencies today to own a share of that big future.

Remember the crypto market is toll very young, its not up to a trillion dollars yet, investors are yet come in.

Be like that painter who painted Facebook, he looked into the future which wasn't really clear then to him and took a part of it by refusing the payment at that time.

That opportunity is available in the crypto space today. Blockchain obviously is the future. If you've been making research about Blockchain, you should be convinced by now that every known and big company in the world will use blockchain technology 5 years from now.

When Facebook started, it was not known and the shares were almost worthless, same thing is happening in the crypto space right now, most projects are just starting and the tokens (shares) are worthless now so start researching, start buying up crypto projects that are solving real life issues.

19 Industries The Blockchain Will Disrupt


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Thanks for this information...

Thanks for sharing this.
It is an information most meaningful and valuable at this time.
Cryptoinvestment is the way to go.

Investing for the future

One if the best things that could happen to someone's future is the ability to .Ake the right investment as ones he or she gets it right his future us secured .crypto to one investment that would have a great turnover in future thanks for reminding us .
Awesome post

You are absolutely right @samstickzz. Cryptocurrencies might sound and look foolish, to those who have heard about it. But, at the long run, they will be begging to have and partake it it's blessings.

Cryptocurrency and it's airdrops that's coming out would make a massive change in the face of the monetary world. And, it will be in such a way, that people would have no choice not to invest it.

Now, I have got to notice that it has been accepted by "World Bank", and they are looking at a means for it to be incorporated into the banking systems @samstickkz

Just a matter of time, we the early adopters will be big boys

Sure thing bro.. Sure

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