in #busy6 years ago (edited)


It is easier to spill
when I’m full
the cups hold balance cables

And I can’t contain
the blackened
held burns

Children acting like toddlers
adults like children
as I sit at the table

It is harder to refrain
from swearing
with filled ears

And skin stained
words react to fables

When everyone is laughing
except me

The rider let his eloquent horse
know of the time

Stories of adventures had their place
the rider was tired
and taught the horse
how to graft stillness to its face

The horse refused and shared
everything on its mind

The rider led the horse
at a river’s pace

Towards a babbling brook
that stole shimmers from the sun
and pocketed the air
into bubble buns

The rider let his horse near
it drank and in the taste

His mind filled with the environs
his canvas cranium made space

As the horse filled its mouth
it also filled its mind

And the greens browns and wildflowers
were no longer ignored

The dangling moss carried a damp
scent that was hard to define

It never stopped growing
and his imagination flourished
outside time

Image sources:


Outstanding post and narrative. Thank you for sharing! resteem

A very good poem @rubenalexander, water has a very wide meaning. As it symbolizes a life, water will always flow to a low place and that is where it will settle. That's life, we must keep fighting and trying until we succeed. thank you for sharing.

Wow the fun filled aspect of life this one is special poem

Beautiful poem.....flawless writing

good writing. love to read it

Poetry is a very cool piece of work. Because not everyone has a talent in him to be able to create a poem. Because it must have a very strong imagination to create a poem. Honestly, I have no talent for writing poetry. But I like to read poetry, because it can be a great motivation for us, and his words always have a very profound meaning. thank you @rubenalexander

You are great at creating the @rubenalexander poem,
Your poems I liked her ..

@rubenalexander wow........ nice a amazing poem. you are a such a best thing. good poem. i like it

[email protected] send great poem..........with excellent photography......nice water reflection.......its looking too good....and your pet also so cute.......

you create a great post... i impressed to see your art and your skill on writing... best of luck...

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