The Thin Line Between Discipline And Abuse

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

There's a thin line between disciplining a child and abusing a child. Discipline is always done in love and with the aim of correction while abuse is done in anger and hate.

The thin line between discipline and abuse is Love. Correction done in love isn't done violently.

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How you discipline your child will determine how they will respond to the discipline and the message such act of discipline will pass to the child. Some of us parents Discipline our kids with anger written all over us and we wonder why they keep doing the same thing over and over again to spite you.

Discipline done in anger produces a negative effect on your kids. They won't get the message or correction that you are trying to show to them when the discipline is done in anger. Try to always act calm and don't take your discipline to the edge. You're not trying to hurt your kids by disciplining them but to teach them right from wrongs. So discipline them in love.

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