What Will Happen if you Stop Paying Tax !

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Question that can often be heard coming out of the mouths of frustrated tax payers is what has the government ever done for me?

well! let's take a look public roads free schools a police force libraries museums energy and water supplies legal representation the list goes on and on but what about the things we don't want crazy politicians spending our cash on such as an obscene amount of military armament empire-building gross clandestine experimentations inflated salaries for the political elite ginormous expense accounts for said politicians and social and privacy manipulation.

what would happen if a country's people decided to stop paying taxes? anarchy utopia none of the above and what happened to countries in the past that resisted taxation that's what we'll explore today in this episode of the infographic show what would happen if people stopped paying taxes well the big question is if everyone refused to pay taxes would there be a trickle-down effect and would that eventually become the law of the land hold on would there even be laws with no taxes and no politicians and no police force and no courts and no judges.

who would uphold these laws would it even be possible in a modern nation to reach a point where the majority of citizens simply decided to live without taxation and government would such a movement beat evolution or devolution tranquillity or chaos.

how would things shape out to answer the question we have to tackle the issue of tax paying like we would any other issue that the government has to respond to take same-sex marriage a motion that is popular enough to gain enough support of the people would radiate massive warning signs to the current status quo the government ultimately has to respond to the will of the people and with same-sex marriage it was a general consensus a majority opinion that civil partnerships between same-sex couples were not a bad thing despite what some hardcore religious folks believed the government has to react in a way to sway the people against emotion or support it we taxes the government would have to listen to the will of the people and respond accordingly despite the fact that without taxes the government would no longer be able to exist so it's a prickly issue but if anyone can handle a prickly issue it's a politician tax resistant citizens would probably be bought off with compromises in some fashion groups would be targeted and their needs listen to tax breaks would be introduced to soften the blow for the most militant.

if the movement stood its ground and reached a majority the stakes and concessions from the government to the people would become more attractive to those rogue taxpayers however if the movement stood firm then at some point the government would have to play dirty before surrendering key members of the tax resistance movement would have their bank accounts frozen and their assets seized they may well be taken into custody on terrorism charges the president or prime minister would go on national TV pleading with his or her people bundles of cash would be printed and the price of gold would soar but all this would be most unusual and really it isn't likely to happen in the United States for example

it's unlikely to happen as people know that taxes are required for schools and running water roads and other basic human needs with gun ownership sky-high law and order would become a real concern a no taxes vote is like a vote for anarchy and a civilized society has evolved to move away from anarchy so the movement reaching this point is extremely unlikely the young and the old would be most affected with no pensions and no public schools.

it would fall on society itself to take care of the elderly and educate the young public broadcasting would totally disappear giving rise to agenda driven media fake news services would flourish even more than they do today there would be no foreign aid so international relations would suffer health care would suffer the economy would spiral into financial chaos law and order might be controlled by mafia type gangs or perhaps people would settle into small self-sufficient groups or communes figures would no doubt rise up from these splinter movements to claim power this is the way human society operates divide and conquer then there are matters of national security and defence other countries would see an opportunity to invade the and non-government state an attack an attempt to seize assets and commodities with no government and no army resistance would be pretty futile but similar events have occurred in history.

the French Revolution was founded on the underclasses being sick of the crippling tax commitments and the early history of the United States was a constant struggle against tax oppression so perhaps a correction or adjustment in taxation levels is healthy for society to evolve it is the government's job to realize when the public is ready to revolt and adjust their taxation policies accordingly it is little more than a push and pull situation that has to be monitored by both the people and the people's government Society finds the medium rate that citizens are prepared to pay in taxes and within that area governments operate and while we all hate paying taxes we know we don't have much choice in the matter we do however have a choice on how we educate ourselves on the best ways to spend money and the only way to become and stay rich is to have good money management.


Like the sayings Early bird gets the warm, second mouse gets the cheese its all about do the right thing in a right time it all takes to make you a future millionaire.


Thank you for Reading and show some supporte to this guy @regalsoldier right here , if you like my work consider upvotes and resteem.



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