Best Ever Roasted Chicken / 最棒的葡萄牙烤鸡店

in #busy6 years ago


Since I first set foot in the UK many years ago, I have always been a big fan for Nandos, which is a South African fast food restaurant chain. From my own experience, Nandos has never failed to deliver the best Portuguese style chicken on a plate and manages to hits my taste buds every single time, lol!

A few years ago, it opened it's first branch at my doorstep and you can probably guess that fast became one of my regular places to dine at. The restaurant is well decorated with a nice and cozy atmosphere. One of the best parts is due to the location being a more residential area, it was never jam packed like some other branches in Central London or some other busy high streets.






If you love a spicy food, Nandos provides you with spicy roast chicken where you can pick the level of hotness (chilli-wise) based on your desire or opt for the non-spicy version which, for me, would be their Mango & Lime flavour. Very delicious! Apart from chicken, they also serve vegetarian options too and lots of yummy side dishes including creamy mash, corn on the cob and Nacho Peas.

@ezzy and I normally order their full-platter dish which contains a whole chicken and four regular side dishes, lol! It might sound like a lot of food, but unlike greasy fast food, a Nandos meal is actually hearty food with proper pure protein. We do really enjoy it. A special mention goes to their own unique Peri Mayonnaise sauce. OMG, this is so additive and a perfect compliment for the crispy chips. Highly recommended to try if you haven’t already.





Nandos is not a place for fine dining per se, but what you will find here offers the FASTEST, TASTIEST and BEST roast chicken ever! Enjoy!

自十几年前来到英国,我一直都是Nandos的忠实粉丝。这是一家原产于南非的快餐连锁烤鸡店。他们家有着最棒的葡萄牙烤鸡配Peri Peri 酱,每次都吃得我好过瘾,连手指都要舔干净,呵呵!

几年前,Nandos在我们门附近开了一家分店。不用说你们可能也猜到,我和先生很快成为这里的常客! 餐厅装修不错,无论从墙饰,吊灯或洗手池都可以感受到丰富的南非文化元素,整个气氛温馨和谐。这里另一个优势是它处于居民区附近,所以并没有伦敦中心的那些分店拥挤。我们每次来都不用排队,十分爽。


@ezzy和我通常点店里的全鸡套餐,包含一整只烧鸡和四个配菜,很丰盛吧,哈哈!Nandos 与其他快餐比起来还是很不一样的,鸡肉烧烤不油腻而且蛋白质含量高。特别值得一提的是他们家独制的Peri蛋黄酱。用这酱来蘸着薯条吃,十分过瘾!大家不妨也试试看,呵呵。

Nandos 虽然不是什么高级餐馆,但你在这里可以吃到最正宗的葡萄牙烤鸡,我很推荐哦!



It is against my religion to order anything less than ‘Extra Hot’ at Nandos. It also essential to then add Extra Hot sauce. The frozen yoghurt is bottomless, so you may as well.

Haha... I like your religion! Yeah, the bottomless frozen yoghurt and soft drinks are a plus too!!

This is really impressive... Am hungry already

Oh, i'd kill to have a taste of Nandos , its been years living in Adia and i am told the only country that has Nandos is Malaysia, i've never been there.

Well untill ny next taste of nandos, i will admire and feed on your photos .

Nandos is really addictive, right? Lol, I wish you can have your Nandos' meal soon enough!

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