Way To Success On Steemit | What And How To Do | [Part-3] - "Engage With Users Through Comments"

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Today we will take one more step forward to "Way To Success On Steemit". Engage with Users.

Hi all,
If you don't know then i am writing articles on some great Idea's or steps for "Way To Success On Steemit". If you missed my previous post then you can take a look by going to my blog or I am providing the links here.


The topic of today is

Engage With People Through Comments


The best and easy way to interact/engage with users on Steemit is through comments. If you can't post daily then you must comment on users posts. It will help you to engage with peoples.

"The more you engage or interact with people, the more friends you will gain. More friends means more support and more upvotes."

Comments are great way to make friends and earn extra reward other than posts.

I love doing comments and reply. Many users earn more reward in comments compare to their posts. This also happens to me when i was new to Steemit i was receiving more reward on comment in comparison to my posts. That's why if you are not able to post on Steemit then do comments because it will help to earn extra reward and some good followers or friends.

Before commenting you must take care that you will not spam otherwise you will get flagged/downvoted. Here are some points you should take care of it, which will help you to not get downvotes -

While commenting

  • Do Not Ask Follow For Follow- If you will do that then you will lose your reputation soon because you will get downvotes.

  • Do Not Ask Upvote For Upvote- This is the same case as follow for follow.

  • Do Not Spam- Spamming mean when you always comment like : good post, great post, i like it, nice information etc.

  • Do Not Comment Irrelevant Content- Imagine if someone have written article about cryptocurrencies update and you are saying "Nice Photography I like It". It will lead you to get downvote

  • Do Not Copy Paste Other Content - If you copy-paste other user work then you will rewarded by downvotes.

  • Do Not Comment Just Reading The Title- Many time some users, specially newbies post comments related to the title and don't read post of the author. It is similar to irrelevant content.

How to do Comment

If you want to learn how to post good relevant comments then just follow the simple rule ( You Can Also Follow Me Lol !) Comment after reading the full article and should be related to the content. For example if an author is giving a review on a gadget then you can ask a question about the gadget or can share your experience and thoughts on the gadget.This is just a example of good relevant comment. The point is only that comment after reading the full post and it should not be unhealthy for any user or community.

One more thing you can do is, watch out for some good authors and follow them. Engaging with them will result you to have attention of him and may be they also follow you and if you always post good valuable content then no one can stop you to get succeed on Steemit.

Comments will help you to get more follower, friends and reward so do it but in right way as i stated above. Remember that, the more friends or follower you have the more you have chances to get success on Steemit.

This is the 3rd part, you can follow me for my future posts about this topic.

Till then stay tuned for the next part

And One More Thing Always "Smile"

Best of luck :)

Thanks For Reading...

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And don't forget to upvote my post

Your Single Upvote-Comment-Resteem Can Make Me Smile :)

follow upvote re-steem.gif


yes, right you are.
I also follow that rule.
comment give me a great reward.

thanks for that.
got inspiration brother.

I am happy that someone got inspiration by me :)

Release the Kraken! You got a 3.52% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @rahulsaini!

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