Arabic philosophy and it's influenced by the neoplatonic philosophy

in #busy6 years ago

The arabs inspite of Islamic religion they were influenced by the old Greek philosophy
The translation took part i the evolvment of Arabic philosophy although it was also in direction to religion
Philosophers such al kindi and al farabi have made an approche understanding the soul via the holly scripts as it seems their original referance and source of knowledge
Moreover, as it begins with Islam and al tawhid (the onlyness) Philosophers tried to begin with the tawhid demonstrating the soul and its complexity.
They tried to sustain relations between Greek neoplatonic philosophy to go to the tawhid i Islam and they found out the same outcome regarding al rabbaniyyet (the godlyness)
It seems that the translation has took an enormous amount of figuring out the spirituality as all philosophy over centuries one and main quest was to obtain knowledge that leads to manifestation of God and rawhaniyeet(spiritualities)
They wants to make a pure philosophical statement of the existence of God without the scripts of religion,
As Plato and Aristotle were pretty close for such endeavor wich results taking them and their work for granted and a referance to all philosophical approach in history
Depending on Greek thought was ever harmful as with their bare minds they managed to get to know al tawhid.
That there is only one God who created it all and knows it all.
Wich serves religion afterwards and makes arabic philosophers track platonisme and neoplatonic realm of thought.
Later on the successsors of arabs lost track of philosophy and no longer cares to make arabic philosophy on top of again as the golden age has finished and vanished with khilafa.

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