There are certain things you can only receive through INHERITANCE. Hebrews 1:4 reads “Having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they”.
Inheritance is a valid technology for spiritual transfer predicted upon the father – son relationship model.
All that the Father had, he has given to the Son (Jesus) and because the Son is utterly one with the Father those things belong to the Father still. The Father has figured that the way to bring us into possession of these things is by making us joint heirs with Jesus.
Issues of inheritance flow from a sonship paradigm. A preacher speaks of things like: the anointing, gifts and power; but a son speaks of inheritance. This is much deeper and more profound. There is a powerful scripture on sonship in Psalms 2:7-8.
“I will declare the decree: the Lord said to me, you are my Son, today I have begotten you, next God said to the Son, “Ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possessions.
A wealthy man having several children discerns among them, one who is prudent and witty, who should have capacity to take over his vast estates when he is dead. He does not forthwith bestow upon him the honors befitting of a son nor confer on him authority to rule over his estates.
He knows that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child no matter how noble his intentions are. So he appoints over him governors and tutors who should groom him in the ways and cultures of the Father. His training is of the severest sort. He is often denied the delicate viands that are the portion of the rich. His Father is not in a hurry to let him have material comforts. He knows that all things belong to him. He teaches him delayed gratification. He wants nothing to obstruct the training process. A son must be made.
Upon a certain date determined by the Father, a feast is organized. It is the day of adoption. The son has come of age. He is a child no longer. Foolishness has been excised. His eyes are keen. He has received understanding. He is fit to represent his father. He has been through processes. He is now done.
At some point during feasting, the father makes him stand before all his guests and makes a proclamation that he has this day begotten a son. He places on him his garment, and places a signet ring on one of his fingers. These rituals signify a change of operation, a conferment of executive authority and an elevation to a position of greater honor. Then he calls him, “My Son” and the young man answers, “My father”! This understanding originated in God.
‘But I said: how can I put you among the children (since you are not originally one of them) and give you a pleasant land. A beautiful heritage of the hosts of nations? And I said: You shall call me “My father”. (Abba Father) and not turn away from me”. (Jeremiah 3:19)
One of the reasons the Spirit of Adoption was sent into our hearts is to enable us lift up those utterances, “Abba, Father” – which is the cry of sons. (Romans 8:15)
“Having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will (Eph. 1:5).
Grateful for your coming around.
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Thanks for this wonderful post.
So many people seeking a title! Seems everyone wants to be an Apostle or prophet! But the best title of all I Father and son! The next best title is brother or sister! If I call you brother, this means I esteem you as someone who has the same Father and it speaks of family! When we are adopted by God, we are not second rate or different than flesh and blood, but we are called sons! Joint heirs! Wow! Can’t get better than that!
Thank you for the post brother!
God bless!
Daddy William
I cant agree less. Thank you my own brother.
Sonship gives you access to your inheritance in Christ Jesus, Nobody gives a child vital things to keep.
Grow up brethren and enjoy your inheritance in Christ, Thanks for reminding us.