Quick Personal Update

in #busy6 years ago

Lately I haven't been as active on Steemit due to a multitude of personal reasons. During the last three months I was posting poetry from my book, so even when I stopped writing poetry, I still had material to post and publish daily. Last week I finished posting the book on steemit, and now I'm back to posting poetry, book reviews (and maybe other posts) that I have to edit/prepare in the present. However, that means I am not posting daily, for a couple of reasons.

First of all, I have just finished my exams, but also had big changes in my personal and social life. That means, there are some days where I am not online for most of the day. That makes it harder to post as frequently and to catch up to all activity (comments and such). Secondly, I have wrote an amount of poems that I am not satisfied with yet. Most times, I go back and edit, and I eventually post them online when I am happy with the product. Somehow, I am finding it easier to write the foundation of the poem but much harder to focus and edit. Moreover, I am trying to submit some poetry to magazines/journals, and I am unable to post those poems online. Thus, I have less material and less time to post on here. Having said that, I do my best to keep active on my blog as well as in the BuddyUP community. I would love to be engaged with other communities, but I know my time is limited so I'd rather not to promises I may be unable to keep.

Thank you for all those who've been there in the last couple of months, especially those at BuddyUP. I would tag you guys, but I don't want to forget someone, but you all know who you are (if you end up reading this). <3


I am kinda glad that you are staying away a bit from the screen and getting out there living life, especially after the stress of exams. Now, of course, I miss you and always look forward to catching up with you in discord, but being away from all of this from time to time is very important. There's a beautiful world out there, get out there and experience those moments that take your breath away ... they can't be found looking at a screen, well.. maybe sometimes they can, but you get my point.

Thanks for sharing this update Jeremy.. much love! ❤

You're definitely one of my favourite people to connect with on-screen; it makes the on-screen time somewhat special :3

I wasn't expecting anyone to be reading this, so I'm smiling and feeling warm with your message. Thank you, much loveeeee <3

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