Just Asking.......

in #busy6 years ago (edited)


I saw a comment on a post as regards to marriage and I have been thinking about it. I'll like us to share our opinion here.

Is marriage compulsory for everyone?

Does someone become less of a human just because he has not married?

Is marriage an achievement?

I just want to know. Because as an African woman, people consider you as an irresponsible person if you don't get married before a certain age. They think and believe it is better to marry just anyone than remain single.

For a typical African, getting married to even an abusive spouse is still better than being single.

A lot of people are having their dreams shattered just because they want to satisfy some societal norms as regards to marriage.

I have never seen anyone that died or failed to achieve his or her life's mission for not getting married. But I have seen a lot of people who died at the hands of their spouse and whose dream were terminated because they married the wrong person.

Is marriage a good thing? In my opinion, yes it is.

Is being single a good thing? In my opinion, yes it is, if it is what you want.


Do not allow the society make you do things to your detriment. Take your time and do what is best for you.

I'll like to get your feedback.
Image source: Google Images.

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Marriage IMO, doesn’t define who you are either wayward or decent. Many marriages had fail cause of indecency amongst the so called married individuals.

No doubt that marriage is a good thing cause it was established that he who finds a wife has found a good thing and favor shall be bestowed on such man . A woman who finds a husband also has found a helping hand.

But it’s not a crime or will it result into calamity being single , two heads are better than one no doubt but if the second one is a company that will corrupt good manners then no crime being alone

It’s all by choice , I believe an individual knows what is best for him/her despite what the community might think

Thank you for this feedback. I have learned a new thing from it.

Marriage? Hmmm!
So many have lost their lives from domestic violence in the aim of satisfying societal demands on marriage
Not getting married at a certain age doesn't mean failure
Stay happy whether single or married

Thank you for your feedback @mickyscofield.

Well, marriage is not compulsory. But if you're from the African descent, especially a country like ours, you'll have to admit the obvious. Some churches won't ordain you a pastor or minister except you're married. You can't run for some offices or positions except you're married. There are places you can't enter and some events you can't attend if you're not married.

Our society has painted marriage to become something else, a sine qua non to living a complete and fufilled life, which is not absolutely true. However, to me, marriage is impoertant, extremely important. Make money, fall in love with a sunflower, raise gigantic cute kids, train them to become successful, help others, die in peace and make heaven.

Marriage is very important for as long as I am concerned. I'm only against people making it a do or die thing. One has to live a complete life with or without it.

Thank you for reading and leaving a comment here @joshuaetim.

I will like to address some of the questions raised according to my humble opinion. Firstly:

Is marriage compulsory for everyone?

Marriage is not compulsory for everyone although our part of the world tend to push us into believing otherwise.


Does someone become less of a human just because he has not married?

The answer is CAPITAL NO. I am unmarried and still takes care of myself and a lot others around me.


Is marriage an achievement?

According to the definition of the word 'Achievement', "A thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage". Hence, I feel marriage is a great achievement.

However, I am of the opinion that no one should allow himself to be pressured into marriage because the people that will pressure us into any marriage will not be there to share the enjoyments consequencies of such marriage.

Nice post. BTW, the person on the image mara mma ka gi. Daalu ma echezo Ada di ora mma.

Daalu nwanne mmadu. I really do appreciate this awesome feedback.

Stay Awesome :)

Love the photo.

Beautiful in orange. The purpose of life involves making choices. We can choose not to marry. We may feel it's better not to marry. That doesn't mean it's better not to marry.

Bigger picture.

When we think about the bigger picture of what is better for the world, for the future, and not just what is better for one person, we may then see what we can learn from history, statistics, generalities, of how Europe is dying right now as people refuse to marry and have kids.

Europe is on Fire.

As we speak, many countries are dying because of the consequences for not marrying.

@joeyarnoldvn thank you for sharing what is happening in Europe with us.

Marriage is not compulsory even Paul in one of his messages said "One can remain single but if he or she cannot hold urges or isn't sexually discipline then it's necessary that he/she marry". Though marriage is not compulsory but it's adviceable because in every case two is better than one , and as human , we need companionship and the only way to get a genuine companion is through marriage.

You are true to say many marriages are sour and have destroyed many dreams especially for the females. But I see this resulting from human error of selection and not waiting on God for whom is destined for us.

This is awesome. Marriage is a beautiful thing, but no one should make it a do or die thing.

Yes marriage is good. God the author of matriage said "It is not good for a man to be alone hence He made for man a woman; a help meet". If God said marriage is good and single(ness) is not good, we get take it from there. He knows the innermost part of our beings.

I think martiage is not a choice but a necessity. It is part of God's plan for mankind.
However, man has an enemy, Satan the devil who never wanted man to enjoy the fulness of God's creation hence he perversion into the marriage institution.
It is this corruption that had brought marriage institution to wrong perspective to some people.
We must seek God's direction in marriage to avoid frustration.

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