Find Time to live

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

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The day is just getting started here.

How far have you gone with your plan for the week?

Did you forget it? Don’t , if you have.

It is time to brace yourself, pick it up and stand up to the challenge. If you dropped it because the week seem to make up its own plan for you, then all you have to do now is to stand your ground and still find a way to achieve your goals by squeezing out time out of your busy unforeseeable schedule if you have one like that.

It is not in the best interest of man to allow fate and destiny to completely run his or her life without having a say at all.

We are allowed to pick , we are allowed to make choices. Having the luxury of making choices is the beginning, if not the important segment of freedom.

So, no matter how hectic the week has been for you, no matter how hard your boss or your work is on you? Squeeze a little time for your own personal goals too. When you live your life like this, there is a cumulative effect to it at the end of the day.

Five minutes a day for a year is more than a day so even if all you’ve got is five minutes, take good advantage of it. Okay.

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@elyaque made this beautiful for me


My day has just started too. I have a big exam this afternoon. I’ve been preparing for it all weekend. Now I’m going to study for another few hours, then go eat lunch and off I go to the uni and sit at the 5-hours written exam. Hopefully I’ll survive it. And maybe even pass. :)

I mentioned you in one of my post? Who is your mentor, you have inspired my blog, be good to mention you mentor

Posted using Partiko Android

I mentioned you in one of my post? Who is your mentor, you have inspired my blog, be good to mention you mentor

Posted using Partiko Android

Trying to living the moment is very crucial such a great reminder my dear :)

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