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RE: MAGIC Token: Expanding the Steem Ecosystem

in #busy6 years ago

So it seems that you get the same number of tokens whatever the risk you choose for your bet. This means that you can set it at a 95% chance to win and basically farm tokens this way. I'm not sure this was their intention. I have this in post from here if anyone wants more info.


Its very common to "mine" gambling dapp tokens, just like eos dapps and Tron dapps, although if they leave it open sourse then there will be the same problem as what happened with eos, Copy & Paste devs, create a dapp, and exit scam. eos dapps are pritty much already fucked cos of this and mannnny people have been proper rekt. Tron bet however decided not to keep it open source so noday else can copy there game and take peoples investments and fuck it all up lol.. i just got my 2 mill Magic, and will see what happens to them in the future. Open source is great for transparency, but not that great for buisness for the devs nor the players/token holders/investors..

That's crazy, surely all they had to do was link the token to the risk in the game and they wouldn't have this problem. Unless I've fundamentally misunderstood whats going on here. Oh well, I'll keep going until my 5 steem has earned me 20 000 tokens and then stop. Maybe I'm the fool here somehow and just cant see it.

It all depends on how much you need crypto to be a sucsess i guess, like for myself i enjoy my freedoms and have and will keep working just to invest on crypto, ive turned into a div addict 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes I think that's a good way to be. Sometimes its all to easy for my stupid monkey brain to get carried away with all this fake internet money! None of it is worth anything unless its worth something.

Oh i forgot to say i am completely no tech minded so for me I have no fucking clue about it all 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

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