
Wow, childish mind games too. I'll just leave this here in case you plan to remove it.

"I put the self vote there so you'd corner yourself into saying that. I planned to remove it once you did."

I just wanted to see if you'd see the error of your ways or ignore all fault and deflect everything on everyone else.

So far you're leaning more towards making everyone else look bad, most likely to make yourself look better. Some would view that behavior as sign of feeling guilty, so maybe at least you know you could have done better with this post, but you're still dealing with the denial stage. I'm no Dr. Phil though.

I just wanted to know a bit about your character before I come to any conclusions. I'll keep my findings to myself but everyone else can already see who's acting like a child. You're throwing a bit of a tantrum. I didn't flag your post, by the way. I just came here to joke around and I upvoted the comment you flagged because you're against "censorship" so I thought I was helping. Also, when I see people pouting and calling others names, like you're doing here, I see that as an invitation to have a bit of fun; fair game. If you can dish it out, surely you can handle some back.

We both know you could have done better with this post; there was no reason to promote it. Promoting it was a waste of resources. There were literally hundreds of posts on this topic recently, majority of those posts were not promoted and many of them received more engagement than this.

The trending page is actually some of the worst real estate on this platform these days. Where you want to be is in the personal feeds of many members who are active on the platform, with healthy sized votes. Many of us don't look at the trending page anymore; it's all junk mail, advertisements. By the time we see it, there's no point in voting because there's nothing left in the form of curation reward. Since we all have limited voting power, it's usually better to save those votes for lesser known content and people who prefer organic support and engagement, because they deserve it and encouraging them helps this platform stay busy, plus we get curation rewards. If you've paid your way to get to the top, clearly you don't need help and don't care about the outcome.

Do you even listen to yourself sometimes? You, and I mean YOU, wanted to SEE - i.e., BAITING someone to SEE about who they are by "cleverly" doing some actions that you manifested in order to achieve a predicted outcome. Do you even understand how manipulative that sounds? In case you haven't noticed, I've put in some investment (and lost) I bought steem when it was pushing through the roofs. I put in my OWN TIME on content on this platform. I have vested interest on its success and at the same get a return on my investment which at this point is on the negative and my views with this kind of rancor about what should be making $100 (not even close to that) or more is souring my views even more.

Yes, I hear myself loud and clear. I wanted to know how you'd handle someone voting for themselves after you spent quite a lot to vote for yourself. I didn't know how you'd react but I suspected you'd take offense to it. I was right. So what? According to your reaction, it's fine for you to vote yourself all the way up to the trending page, but if self vote a comment, you will frown upon this behavior. There's a strong chance if I said something positive, praising you, even if it was a lie, and selfvoted that comment to the top, you'd have been fine with the self vote. Isn't humanity fun?

Studying your moves and reactions before I react. It's no different than a boxer taking a few shots while they study their opponent. I wouldn't be able to say anything I've said without first having something to react to. I don't like to jump to conclusions. I could have said, "I bet you'd be angry if I self voted this comment." That puts me in a position to be lied to though. It's better to have facts, then talk.

Bait? Are you not attempting to bait people into reading your post by pretending to be a popular blogger on a trending page? Is bait something else that is totally fine when you're doing it, but if you think others are doing it, it's wrong? If a boxer fakes with a left and goes in with a right, are they evil?

I don't care if you lost money. We all lost money. I don't care if you want to pout about it. I don't care if you want blame others for it. If you're attempting to manipulate me with this sorry display of emotions and if you think I'm going to feel bad for you; that's not going to happen.

If you're one of these "investors" who heard they could come here, produce whatever, and get an ROI by purchasing votes; and if you heard this from an advertisement on Youtube or an advertisement on the trending page here, I say you should have known you were going to lose money. It's your fault you lost money. I'm still 17k ahead after losing hundreds of thousands. You're making, what? 2 bucks from this post? Maybe 5? The rest of money already went to someone else, PLUS they'll get curation rewards. If that's how you manage your money, you deserve to lose money. That's life, deal with it. You're responsible for your own decisions. Do whatever you want with your money and deal with the consequences yourself. There's no point in trying to blame ME and my words. You lost money before all this. Take some responsibility for your actions. That's the ONE thing you've failed to do so far. I already know I'm not perfect, and I don't mind.

No, I don't take offense. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if I cried about every disagreement here then what's the point any conversation? I take full responsibility for my actions, I don't BLAME you for losing money. Last I looked, nobody put a gun to my head. I thought I was writing in English because I don't understand where you interpreted that I blame you? I have a disagreement with your OPINION, that's it. You are entitled to it - I don't agree with you but I don't blame for having that opinion. But since you're on this Crusade - those Christians in the past thought they were doing the right thing too.

That's fine if you disagree. I'm not really sure what part you disagree with though, since you didn't really say. Whatever. That's what makes life interesting. I'm not really sure why you're bringing a religion into this but have noticed how you like point fingers at everything and everyone else, even while you say you don't do it. That's fine and makes life interesting as well.

Have a good day dude.

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