Decentralization is not the enemy.

in #busy6 years ago


When I talk to my friends and mention crypto they automatically just go,

"Oh Bitcoin. Ya I know about that,"

Which is disappointing since it's so much more than that. I've tried to convert a few of them to STEEM and to steemit but the few that I set up accounts for have little to no interest even when they hold some crypto themselves. However hard it was before but with prices on the floor it's going to be tough to get any of them in the game now.

They still have the mindset of just being currency and investment when it's so much more. I've been trying to think of how to get them involved and how to explain it to them in the right terms. First of all I want them to forget about currency. We will probably use crypto for money at some stage but that is a long way into the future. For now we need to look more at P2P exchange. To get people to move from one system that is tried and tested to another that is unstable but has a lot more potential for everybody to do well will not happen overnight. The people are far to entrenched within the existing system to just swap one for the other. it will need to be slow and gradual with a lot of hard yards gained. WW1 trench warfare with every square foot hard won.

Think about it this way. 50 -70 years ago times were tough. Everything was hard earned and nothing was given out for free. And yet, people could provide for themselves. There were so many small businesses that were supporting whole families. Little homelessness and every area was a small ecosystem with it's own community.

What do we have now?

What we have are supermarkets paying a minimum wage. Large corporations making billions while closing down family businesses and all the money funneling upwards. Sure there were rich and poor back then but not to the same extremes that we have now. In my country the middle class is a slowly dying breed. Those people who go to school, work and provide a home and comfort tor their family. Now you go to college, take on debt and go into the same cubicle as everybody else or you work a minimum wage job to just about survive each year.

Is this what we want for our generation?

Enslaved to an elite group at the top of the food-chain. Not able to run a business or buy their own home. Not able to retire in comfort after a tough life. It's up to the people to force change. We need to escape from the system that is trying to trap us for the next 50 years. I think that STEEM will give us that chance. It gives us the opportunity to cut out these people from our lives. The ones profiting from the work that we are putting in. Laughing as we break our backs to make them rich.

"A decentralized market is a market structure that consists of a network of various technical devices that enable investors to create a marketplace without a centralized location."

Decentralization has already crept into our lives without most people realizing it. Most people are already using these systems in other areas and not even thinking about it. Think about Uber and Air B+B. Peep to peer networks that have cut out a lot of the legislation, fees, governance and established entities. Instead of all the money going to a hotel chain earning millions a year, it now gets distributed between thousands of regular people in every city. That could be one million dollars getting spread between ten thousand people rather than all going through ten hotels to one corporation.

So what would you prefer to see. $1,000,000 going to a corporation or $1,000 going to 1000 different people??

That really is the question that we need to ask going forward. Would you rather see Facebook earn another billion dollars of revenue that goes to 50 people or see 10,000,000 Facebook users earn $100 for the time, effort and information that they have added to the site?
The same goes for YouTube, Instagram, WordPress etc...

We have the opportunity to create a new ecosystem that does this for all of us. It's being built as we speak so all we need to do is get the people to break out of the trenches and join us on the other side. Fight through the media, news and markets and see the vision that is waiting on the other side. I know where I want to be in that equation. I'm sure that everybody else would rather the $100 dollars too. They aren't mutually exclusive. Even with Air B+B, hotels survive. There are always the people willing to stick with the old system or pay a little bit more for the premium version.

That's fine too. But what i do see is my generation 25 - 35 tend to take the other route. The Uber route, the Air B+B route as they can see the advantages. They get a service for a cheaper price and the person offering gets paid directly for their work. I know that they lose a small cut but that will always be there to facilitate the transactions. That is where our advantage lies over the old system.

More for more people. An even spread of the rewards for those who put in the work and I am sure that people will realize this over time. Especially as apps come online that people wont even see the blockchain anymore. They will only see their app and the SMT or STEEM that they have and what hey can use it for.

When I can convey this to my friends and get them to log into one of these apps straight away, that's when I know that we are onto a winner.



That really is the question that we need to ask going forward. Would you rather see Facebook earn another billion dollars of revenue that goes to 50 people or see 10,000,000 Facebook users earn $100 for the time, effort and information that they have added to the site?
The same goes for YouTube, Instagram, WordPress etc.

No question the latter as it makes perfect sense.

Thanks for sharing your post @niallon11

The trick is to get everybody else onto our mentality now. Convince them of the way forward.

I have talked to some friends aswell.\nMy best friend join and posted an article. Then lost his password and afterwards lost interest.\n\nOther people I have been talking to think it sounds like a great idea. But since I haven't "made" it yet (Whatever that means) they dont want to join. Its stupid.\n\nIts literay free to join steemit xD

Posted using Partiko Android

Obviously not driving around in a lambo like crypto people are expected to do. They obviously haven't been shown the benefit of earning an extra $50 a week which would be massive to so many people or hopefully in our cases $500 a week at some stage which would let me give up my job and focus on the things that i really want.

They will be back at some stage, on their knees looking for our powerful upvotes when STEEM is $100. I think that when some of the apps become seamless with the blockchain and people don't even realize the difference. That is when we will see large scale adoption and more widespread development to access new areas of the internet.

50$ would be amazing for me aswell. Since all I do is save and invest for my education. And 500$ would be insane. I wouldn't be able to quite my job. Might need around 2k$ for that. (Living in Denmark is expensive)\n\nYe true haha and they wilæ be so far behind.\nI also just invest 23eur into steemit and got 64 steem :p

Posted using Partiko Android

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

And I my point to my other comment. Steemit is mote valuable to me than Facebook. More interesting read son here. I cant even see my newsfeed on facebook because I have installed an extention. Facebook is useless for me. I only use messenger x)

Posted using Partiko Android

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