Changing and growing.

in #busy6 years ago


What are those famous old sayings?

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results."


"You'll never get rich working for somebody else."

Being part of the blockchain for me is a combination of both of these sayings. Now I will probably never get rich from this anyway but it would be nice to have a small side income coming in every week too. That would be my hope in a few years. That the value of STEEM has risen to the point that I can earn $100 a week and make things comfortable for myself. I do have a job and it has a decent number at the top of the payslip but that is before it starts getting spent. The tax, pension, mortgage, loans, living expenses ect.... After these basics there is a couple of hundred euro left to get me to the end of the month. I'm sure a lot of people are in the same position.

That's why it is so important to find multiple sources of revenue as once you have already covered your base costs anything extra that you earn will go a lot further than your wages. I like to enjoy myself. I've been working since I was 14 so I'm used to putting in the hours and having a few euro to do the things that i like in my spare time. It's a good life style but not an ideal one. Even if i won the lotto I would still work as I would go crazy without it. The difference would be the job and the reasons why I turned up every day.

The dream after blowing the first million having fun would be to open an animal shelter and look after all those vulnerable creatures that can't do it for themselves. I already help out in one but they are so financially stretched and under pressure that it isn't half enough for the area it covers. The realistic dream without winning the lotto would be to have my own business. I work with another good guy that has been in my team for years and is a good friend as well. We have an idea to start our own business in the next few years and get out from under our current bosses.

We have already worked together for 8 years so we know that the team dynamic is good between us and we have the expertise to do it from various jobs held over the years so finance is the real barrier. We have made the decision this month to start putting savings in place and build up a fund to get a business off the ground. Unless we do something different in another 8 years we will still be in the exact same situation just with broken backs from the tough job that we work in. If we want a different result then we need to do something different.

I take the same approach to steemit. That is why I am constantly asking for new people to follow, new ideas and new followers. The more knowledge that we have the better decisions we can make. Every week on here I discover something new and can decide if i want to follow up on it or not. I've stated that I will make it to dolphin status within 12 months and I stand by that. To do it though I will need to do different things and put myself in good positions to gain STEEM. Every week there seems to be a new app or a new project so the blockchain is hopping in terms of development. The only questions are what do I enjoy doing and which do I think will be successful??

I want to grow my account and I want to see STEEM growing into a major force in the crypto world. Anybody who feels the same should let me know how you plan to do this? I want to exchange info and help. The more that we know the better we can do.



You'll make it to Dolphin. Just keep working. I will help as you seem sincere and you also offer a lot to the Community here through your personality and your hard work ( from what I observe) :)

Thank you for that. I have every intention of getting to dolphin within the next year and have topped up my account again this week. I love the community on here so anything that I can do to help grow it is my pleasure. I've gotten plenty of help since I joined so all I do is try and pay it forward where I can.

From what I've seen in the past few months there is so much to be excited about on the blockchain. I think that it has so much potential that I just want to be ready when everything falls into place. I think that if we can only become the easiest blockchain to access in terms of joining and money then all the rest is there. The community, the apps the developers and the actual blockchain being so fast and cheap to use. It will be an interesting few years.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi niall, Thanks for the blog and for letting me think about My answer, ( the @helpie question did that earlier ) I love that you have a dream to own your own business. But with a plan! I do this “ontheside” too. I never was an social creature before but this is Nice. I want to put of the review to the date of My steemit birthday ( in 7 weeks ) but most of All have fun. I cannot blog if its not fun. Making money “ontheside” is good for My kids. They are the future.

For me this is fun more than anything. If at some stage I can earn an income from it even better. I never liked the other social media's and still don't use them bar a small bit of facebook so i'm actually surprised how much i took to steemit.

If it ever does get big it would be nice to be in a position to benefit and hopefully move into my own business at some stage. Like you said it's all about having a realistic plan and we are in the research stages for it now. It will be a few years to get there either way but it's still nice to have that goal.

You can see the helpie vote on my blog and if you get in it's a nice little push every day. The have a great community on the discord too which adds to the fun.

Going to look now

I went to the Discord nothing happened yet so Will See if helpie if the help I need.
Steemfest starting so that interesting

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