Did Steemit just kill Steem as we know it?

in #busy4 years ago

I was going through my Steem feed as usual and commenting on some posts in the Christian Fellowship community, when I accidentally clicked on the Trending tab. I must say, reading the @steemitblog post almost gave me a heart attack. It's quite ironic, considering I was just about to begin a post for @theycallmedan's Why am I still here initiative.

Well, with the bombshell from Steemit, I'm literally speechless right now. In case you haven't read, Steemit used exchange funds to regain back their stake and vote in 20 new top witnesses, meaning all the witnesses we're use to are out of the top 20.

I must say, I didn't really like what the witnesses did with the soft fork for numerous reasons, but Steemit's actions in return is just over the top.

Pretty ironic that all of this is happening around SPUD (Steem Power Up Day).



Totally agree.
I was worried about the witnesses actions but using customer's funds on exchanges like this is beyond the pale.

Prepare for revolution

Haha yep. Hope it’s the progressive sort of revolution and not the other one we’re accustomed to.

On top of the cornovirus stockpile in sydney, Im going to have a heart attack soon. I can’t take anymore issues in my life

I know right? The bushfires, floods, coronavirus, and now Steem? What’s going on with our world?

Hi, I've tried to catch up, I see that everything is revolutionized in steemit ... I really don't understand much what happens. I hope everything is resolved quickly and in a good way.

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