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RE: MAGIC Token: Expanding the Steem Ecosystem

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Im a little bit concerned that the steem blockchain cant process this game smoothly? anyone else?! or is it because is new coding or something tech that I dont understand?

Edit some hours later: and there i was thinking that 100% RC meant you had 100% Rc's not it was 100% finished!!!! hahahahahahaahahah


No Im not concerned.
The steem blockchain is capable of much more

Posted using Partiko Android

That what i know to be true but for today partiko keeps telling me "its busy,try later 😂"

Busy?! Whats it doing,homework?! 😂

We are still in alpha, if you wanna call it so.
If you don't want to experience such problems. Buy Steem Power!
Then you have more RCs and shouldn't have such issues anymore.

Sehr shoen,ich habe über 2000 euro steem shon gekauft.. Und sie?!

Posted using Partiko Android

Ich habe bisher ungefähr 100€ ausgegeben ;) und das zu einem ziemlichen Hoch.
Der Rest ist selbst aufgebaut.

Aber selbst wenn ich jetzt 2000€ investieren würde, wären das nicht viel..
Dann hätte man evtl gerade genug SP um sich einen neuen Account (über RCs) zu claimen.

your lucky! I remember one time happily buying 100 steem for 400 euro, and thinking it was still a great price hahahahahahaha

I would prefer if all my steem were earned and none bought.. :)
But well.. Trying to invest again soon, altough it's really not easy as student.

Posted using Partiko Android

Last year I spent over 40k euro on crypto.... Bist du im Deutschland oder wo? Your in the right time to spend every euro you can on crypto with these prices!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 56588.25
ETH 2399.94
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.32