
I am not sure. Have ever seen or should i say noticed a bee sleeping, if I did see one I would probably think Greta this one is sitting still I better quickly take a photo with it out getting blurred when it moves

I like to see the beauty in both the clouds and sky :)

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Yep, the second photo was of the bee just waking up and slowly moving.

I never knew they slept on the job? My grandson spots everything 😂👍

I like to see the beauty in both the clouds and sky :)

Me too 👍😋

Wel from what I have sene your grandson may be the exception many of the kids I see these days barely notice anything unless its onthe screen of their phone or device

Amazing pictures. I didn't know that stuff about bees. Great post.

I wish I could capture a bee sleeping for a picture. It's all I can do to be quick enough to catch the shot when they alight for an instant.

They are tricky to photograph when awake. Asleep it is a doddle. 📷 😂

The third photo above was taken at 1/1000th exposure to freeze the action.

Great fun to try to capture the movement but not easy as you know.

Such cool pictures! I would have assumed it was dead rather than asleep. Maybe that makes me cynical?

I guess if it's tongue was hanging out lol

Sometimes a little nap is the best thing to do!

That is exactly how I fall asleep in my chair!

A nap is just what we need right now lol

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