
I agree, more humour as well. Steem is ultimately very dry and serious, a bit dull even.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh yes, totally agree. Way too many people taking themselves and the stuff they post too seriously!!

Yeah... I feel that. I wish this could just be a regular social media site... everthing is about the money or the actual site. You dont see people on facebook posting about facebook all day.IMG_20190408_220953_639.jpg

Even the steem chat inevitably is about the money. Some posts find favour, rewards wise if they talk about steem so lots of people try and jump on that crazy bandwagon. I don't mind so much when written by someone who knows what they are talking about but over time I have saw a lot of misinformation out there

Steem is the one thing EVERYONE here has in common.

We have different goals, different lives, different educations, etc...

But in one way or another we all care about Steem.

That be true, yes indeed. But I wager we all breathe air too and I don't see that many discussions on that :Op

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