Wanna stop hair fall? Follow this 7 Yoga Asanas

in #busy6 years ago


The present unpleasant and undesirable ways of life are incurring significant injury on our body, particularly the hair. Instead of simply worry over it, and decline the circumstance, attempt these yoga asanas to battle the issue.

Here are the couple of asanas one must attempt:

Utthanasana Position for Hair Fall Control


Stand straight, with your feet together.

Take a full breath and as you gradually breathe out, expand your arms high up and twist forward to touch your toes or the floor. Attempt and place the whole palm on the floor.

Remain in this situation for 5 tallies while breathing regularly.

Breathe in profoundly and gradually fix

On the off chance that you can't come to the ground,cross your arms and catch each elbow with the contrary hand.

Vajrasana Position for Hair Fall Control

Sit on the floor with your back straight and legs extended in front. Place your hands, palms down, close by.

Gradually crease your legs, one by one, and place them under your thighs. You ought to lay on your lower legs.

Keep your hands on your thighs. Unwind and inhale gradually.

To come back to the first position gradually fix your legs.

This is the main asana that should be possible directly in the wake of eating.

Sarvangasana Position for Hair Fall Control

Lie on the floor with your legs extended.

Crease your legs and gradually raise them straight.

Support your back and hips with your hands, and attempt and raise your body while adjusting on your shoulders. Your elbows ought to be on the floor.

Keep breathing uniformly and bring your jaw into your chest.

Come back to the first position gradually until the point that you are lying level once more.

Sasangasana Position for Hair Fall Control

Take a seat with your knees on the floor while laying on your foot sole areas.

Place your hands behind and fasten your foot sole areas.

Push ahead until the point when your head is touching the floor. In the meantime raise your hips while breathing equally.

Hold this situation until five breaths.

Breathe out and gradually come back to the beginning position.


Sit with your knees on the floor andlegs stretched out back, shaping a correct point with your thighs.

Gradually twist in reverse and attempt and hold your foot rear areas with your hands.

Gaze toward the roof to completely extend your spine.

Breathe out while gradually returning to the beginning position.


Lie straight keeping your legs together. Your hands ought to be under your thighs with the palms confronting downwards.

Gradually pull your upper middle up, dropping your head behind until the point that the crown touches the ground.

Take in profoundly and hold the situation for 5 breaths.


Get on your knees and hands. Your hands ought to be in accordance with yourshoulders,and your knees with your hips.

Drive your hips up and gradually fix your legs until the point that your weight is staring you in the face and your toes.

Fix your spine as much as you can.

Unwind and cut your hips down gradually until the point when you are resting in the principal position.

Eating an adjusted eating regimen alongside doing these asanas is additionally essential. Eat a lot of new natural products, green verdant vegetables, beats, sprouts, oats and dairy items to sustain your hair.

Source: https://www.rewardme.in/wellness/family-health/article/7yoga-asanasto-keep-hair-fall-at-bay

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