Benefits in your body from bread to breakfast

in #busy6 years ago

The consumption of whole foods is essential in a healthy diet and is associated with the prevention of many diseases.


The key is to know what type of bread should be included in the diet. The consumption of whole foods is essential in a healthy diet and is associated with the prevention of many diseases.

When thinking about a healthy and balanced diet, bread is shown as a forbidden food, which is fattening and harmful to the body. However, if we stop to think about its components and the correct way to consume it, the presence of bread, in a healthy diet, becomes indispensable.

Eat bread at breakfast, the most important meal of the day provides fiber to a greater extent, something necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Integral or multi-grain varieties are the key, since they provide the body with minerals such as calcium, zinc, and iron, vitamins such as B1 and B6, and are low in natural fats.

Thanks to the practice of conscious feeding (or Mindfoodness), so present today, bread again occupies a privileged place in the diet; revalue the nutrients that compose it and experience how they reinforce the biological functions, they are the great step to differentiate the integral bread of the white bread.

The white bread, is made of refined flours that are made from cereals that have lost their top layer, ie the shell (bran) which concentrates the largest amount of fiber, B vitamins and trace elements. When grinding the cereal, separating and discarding the different layers, only the endosperm (or body of the cereal) with which the flour is made is used, thus leaving a bread with better appearance, texture and flavor, but with less concentration of fiber , vitamins and essential acids.

Unlike white bread, the whole is made from ground cereal with a shell, which makes it a main food in the nutritional pyramid, rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients. Within a healthy diet, for every 100 grams consumed, only provides 253 Kcal, 8.5 grams and 1 gram of fat.

It does not mean that wholemeal bread is a food that helps to lose weight, because if you compare it with white, they almost add up to the same calories, the difference is that whole wheat bread, because it is made from whole grains, provides more fiber to the organism what helps to regulate the intestinal transit, and to absorb sugar in a slower way, preventing diseases such as diabetes.

Some benefits of the consumption of integral bread:

  • Provides energy. Thanks to its high content of carbohydrates, and that these are the main source of energy of the organism and the brain.

  • Decreases and prevents constipation. The regular consumption of fiber increases the fecal volume, stimulates intestinal transit and facilitates the evaluation.

  • Benefits for patients with diabetes. This type of food, have a lower glycemic index to refined, its intake eliminates high glucose peaks and lowers high insulin levels, promoting its secretion and preventing type 2 diabetes.

  • Help in the prevention of colon cancer. Its intake helps the carcinogenic substances are expelled along with the feces.

  • Significantly low rates in cardiovascular diseases. Its consumption in relatively high amounts decreases the "bad" cholesterol levels.

  • Produces feeling of satiety. Being a food rich in fiber, the sensation of hunger decreases, avoiding the consumption of caloric foods between meals.

  • The aging of the cells intervenes thanks to its antioxidant properties.

  • Contributes to the prevention of chronic diseases. Due to its high plant content, it protects against cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, obesity and diabetes diseases.

  • Strengthens the nervous system and promotes concentration.

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