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RE: Steem's Transparency Is A Two Way Street - Damned If You Do And Damned If You Don't

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

I am dissapointed by @Ned lack of leadership, but mostly lack of innovation. There has been poor predictions and not a real enough push to achieve these predictions. I dont 'blame' him, in the sense that I understand is not easy getting it right. But I also didn't see much tangible effort on for example, investing in the child dapps, bringing Steem Inc apps on board.
Steem year 1:

  • Steem Bank, he created Steem Savings, it soon drop to 0% interest and was never touched again.
    Steem year 2:
  • Steem Store, there was a third party app which also did an MVP but no further development/investment was made.
    Steem year 3:
  • Smart media tokens, still on TBA.

Meanwhile has had very little change. There hasnt been much more added like:

  • Code highlight recognition
  • New Markdown sytanxes
  • Emojis
  • Mobile apps (1st party)
  • Image manipulation
  • Toolbar menu
  • Formating for DTube
  • Bookmark tools
  • Chat integration
  • Advanced Taxonomy
  • Improved Search engine
  • Notifications
  • Groups and communities

All these things were asked, and even coded and submitted as a patch, but the team did little to have these patches integrated into the main project.

A lot of people asked themselves what was the @ned account for? It certainly was never to act as a whale, or be a community fund, or do VC for Steem based projects. Also it blogged very little, at the same time, I have seen that many of the whale drama was never producing much for the community either. So I am not sure what was their role on on the first place. At least miners process transactions, BP in EOS create new stuff, but whitnesses never really did much except for he development type.


I don't think was ever intended to come out of beta and is only a proof of concept website. If it were meant to be used to onboard the masses it would have been worked on more by now.

I'm sure Elon Musk's first version of the Tesla didn't have a nice paint job, a radio, and electric windows on it, that came later once it was proven it could work. It's clear to me that is not ever going to move out of beta, but it has not been communicated very well to all its users, one of the things causing frustration for the users.

He's already working on a new site which he alluded to in this post that is meant to onboard people not into crypto.

While we wait and debate what features it may or may not have, other developers have taken the initiative to create their own superior UI's, for example, has a much better UI that incorporates what users have been asking for with more features being added almost weekly. You should have a look at it and add some of your suggestions listed in your comment. Specifically, chat integration and groups and communities would be a great feature to have.

I'm currently working on my own site to make it easier for users to find active communities on the blockchain that interest them than what we currently have. Don't want to say too much about it until it's closer to release.

I don't know downplaying is as reasonable as it is. I mean most of the Steem Inc. costs derive from the website traffic, as well as redundancy and I am not sure how many developes were devoted to mantaining the site, but I am sure at least 1 full developer was from the potential 100 people staff it was said they were at one time.

Maybe it was never meant to come out of betta, but that doesnt mean to get in the way of many of the contributions from the people that wanted to have a better UX with steemit. Like it or not, is what people first see when dealing with steem.

But leaving aside, steem blockchain itself didnt really change much in this 3 year process. The accounts and economic model wasn't very revolutionary specially after @dan left.

Sorry for being too negative but this was not a new feeling, I was always suspicious about what are they doing with a fully funded, fully staffed company that didn't seemed to move as much as I though they would. And just like many of the VC people and people from the industry says, giving millions of dollars to a new company is a sure way to kill it. I think this was the case with Steemit.

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