Why eat raw banana?

in #busy6 years ago


Banana is one of the most popular and available fruits. Not only as a fruit, but also as a vegetable, but its parts are not low in any part. Raw vegetables as vegetables are quite healthy. It contains many other nutrients including vitamins, minerals, etc. These ingredients play an important role in the recovery of the body. Various studies have found that there is no alternative to raw collar in the treatment of several complex diseases, not just bad stomach. So experts advised to eat raw bananas regularly.
What is the benefits of playing raw banana? Lifestyle website Boldsky.com has informed us,
Reduces bad cholesterol levels
Due to the abundance of fiber in the raw pulse, it helps reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. It also increases the performance of the artery, which reduces the risk of sudden heart attack. At the same time, the raw bananas help with the disease to stay away.
Blood pressure is in control
Studies have shown that the presence of potassium present in raw form increases the efficiency of blood vessel after entering the body. As well as decreasing the pressure that is made in the vein. As a result, blood pressure does not take time to control. If you are under the control of blood pressure, you may also reduce the risk of heart disease.
The stomach keeps cold
Due to the abundance of fiber in raw pulses, it only improves the ability of digestion to enter the body. Besides, raw bananas also play a role in enhancing the process of digestion. So just stomach is not bad, those who are often suffering from gas-related problems, they can get cured by using raw ingredients.
Blood sugar is in control
Blood sugar levels are completely controlled by playing raw bananas. So diabetics can eat raw bananas safely. But if you wish, you can consult a doctor once in this regard.
Increase the number of beneficial bacteria
Several studies have shown that the number of beneficial bacteria in intestine (stomach and part of the gastrointestinal tract in the large intestine) begins to increase in the number of beneficial bacteria playing regularly. As a result, naturally the digestive power improves. In addition, many stomach diseases run away.
Removes the deficiency of potassium
A cup of raw pulp contains about 531 milligrams of potassium, which also helps improve the muscular structure as well as increase the performance of nerve and kidneys. There can be no harmful substances in the blood, but also the raw bananas.
Helps reduce weight
The raw resistance present in raw form takes time to digest. This does not result in a lot of hunger. If you do not get hungry, the food intake starts to decrease. As a result, calorie intake in the body is less. And when this happens for a long time, weight loss does not take time.
Meets the needs of vitamins
There is plenty of B vitamins B6 and Vitamin C in the raw crop. These two vitamins play an important role in the body structure. Vitamin C plays an important role in protecting the disease from the disease by improving the immunity of the body. On the other hand, Vitamin B6 helps in reducing energy deficiency in body B6, as well as increase the beauty of skin and hair. So keep the bananas in the list of everyday foods in the right condition.

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