What happen if we take two banana day!

in #busy6 years ago (edited)


Available fruit bananas. Cheap at the price So many people eat bananas to satisfy the hunger and hunger. Although playing bananas regularly, many people have no idea about the benefits of this fruit. One thing that can be said for them is very useful for health.
Plant contains many essential ingredients including vitamin C, B6, potassium, fiber. These components play an important role in maintaining long-term healthy life by increasing the immunity of the body.
Nutritionists say eating bananas a day is quite beneficial for the body. However, it is a good idea to choose small art. If you eat a couple of bananas a day for a month, you can get the fruit in hand.
Healthcare website OrganicFact.com has highlighted the benefits of the caller. Now let's take a look at them-
Lose weight
Due to abundant fiber, banana helps in digestion. There is no fat in it. The banana takes lesser appetite. As a result, you have to refrain from eating frequently. This easily reduces the weight. So people with extra weight can keep diet in the diet.
The bones are strong
Banana plays a role in strengthening and strengthening the bones. Because it contains Fructolitosaccharide, it keeps the digestion process better. There is also calcium in the heart, which is very important for bone production and growth, osteoporosis and helps in the natural weakness.
Release from the pain of pimples
Due to unhealthy diet, people of any age can suffer from diarrhea and arthritis. Because of the anti-flammatory properties of naturally placenta, this pain is easily relieved. So to avoid pain of many days, put one banana in daily diet.
To prevent constipation
Because of the abundance of fiber, bananas help prevent constipation. At the same time, it also plays a role in solving many stomach problems. Because of its anti-flammatory properties it prevents the negative effects on the stomach. As a result, the problem of piles is also eliminated.
Ulcerative resistance
Due to the presence of natural elements in the complex, it keeps away the harmful bacteria associated with ulcers. This can easily prevent ulcers. Being soft and tidy is very useful for solving the problem of stomach.
Keeps kidneys good
This fruit rich in potassium plays a role in keeping kidney good. Because it contains antioxidants, it has a positive effect on kidney function. At the same time, bananas also play a role in extracting harmful toxins from the body.
Improves eye sight
As many other fruits have anti-oxidant and carotenoids in the colon, it helps to improve eyesight. Regular banana plays blindness, cataracts and other problems of eyes.
Prevent anemia
Due to the abundance of iron in the collar, it helps to produce hemoglobin in the blood. As a result, decreasing the chances of anemia. Art also helps to reduce even anemia.
To solve the problem of blood pressure
It is possible to prevent high blood pressure due to high levels of potassium in the collar. So, considering the quality of the collar, experts recommend eating ban on stroke, high blood pressure medicines.

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