
No but for bch smart contracts kinda. There will be this Proof of burn kinda like ICO but no one gets the money instead the money gets burn.
The token will give you this:
The newly created Token requires a 1WHC hand fee. Hand handling fees will be burned directly, the total supply of WHC Give a reduction. Creating a Token requires computing resources, in order to prevent the Wormhole node from being maliciously attacked. Hit, only receive the WHC hand fee 2. Large amount of address transfer. For example, sending a Token to all addresses that have a certain Token, such an operation Need to traverse all the addresses, so you need to pay for the WHC as a hand fee 3. Smart Contract's Gas 4. Other transactional operations, or other types of operations that are identified as having a DoS risk

Shitty failed before and just creates a token unplugged from bch. Conflict on interest...
Bitcoin has better platforms ie RSK,Counterparty(2019), RGB and Omni(the thing they are forking lol)
I like RSK and RGB which are more bitcoin plugged but even more scalable at 100ktps

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