Learn English Words the Easy Way Series – Wait for the other shoe to drop (v) 轻松学习英语单词系列 – Wait for the other shoe to drop (动词)

in #busy4 years ago


This series is particularly tailored for people learning English – English words particularly. Like many languages, English words can be broken down into parts; each part has its own meaning, contributing to the overall meaning of the word itself. Understanding how each word is put together with “parts” helps a learner remember English words easier.

这个系列特别适合学习英语单词的人。像许多语言一样,英语单词可以分解成不同组合部分; 每个部分都有着自己的含义,然后合起来组成这个词的整体意义。了解每个单词如何通过这些“部分”组合在一起有助于学生更容易记住每个英语单词。

Wait for the other shoe to drop (v) (动词)

Phonetics 音标: [ - ]

Meaning 意义:

To wait for the next, inevitable, negative thing to happen.


In Part 分解部份:

wait + for + the + other + shoe + to + drop (v)

wait + for + the + other + good thing + to + lose [v]

等待 + 其他 + 好东西 + 失去 [动词]

Wait for the other shoe to drop is a phrasal verb. The focus of this phrase is actually “Other”. “Other” here signifies that one shoe had already been lost; that means it would be likely to happen again, with the remaining shoe. And meanwhile it was the waiting time for the other one to drop as well. That waiting gives us the idea of “inevitability.

Wait for the other shoe to drop是一个短语动词。这句话的重点其实在 “其他”。 这里的”其他”表示一只鞋子之前已经丢失,这意味着,剩下的鞋子很可能也会丟失。而现时是等待另一只鞋子掉落的时间。这种等待是这句短语所表达的"必然性"的感觉。

Examples 例句:

  1. My 10 year-old car has started making a funny noise. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  2. My dog has made a huge mess in the living room. That’s why when I came home, I found her as if waiting for the shoe to drop at the front door.

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