Who Am I? Wishes Fulfilled Inventory!

in #busy6 years ago

During the first chapter of Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting, Dr. Wayne Dyer suggests we take inventory of who we think we are on the inside and outside. Here is my list which I share with you for accountability (motivation for me to do it and so you may see inside me) and for inspiration (inviting you to take the same look). Nothing I shared here is special or exclusive. These powers I claim are those that every human being has available. The question is will we see our potential?

Who am I?

  • Divine angel of God given the power and tools to create my own reality.
  • Immortal phoenix beautiful with fire in red and shifting all colors often to white living forever in joy born out of ashes and dying into the next rebirth.
  • Ball of light bonded with and creating this body in real time.
  • A part of all that is living every life at once. All that is is me, I, and we.
  • Everyone that appears as another is in fact me and I am them. No one else exists.
  • I am love, hope, faith, and charity even amongst what appears as hate, chaos, and despair.

What can I do?

  • I can bring any person or situation I desire in front of me.
  • I can communicate telepathically with any being.
  • I can influence the weather and world events.
  • I can choose to create and leave any body.
  • I can choose how long this body lives and will not leave it until I agree wholeheartedly to do so.
  • I can summon any living or dead soul to assist me.
  • I can see what appears now as the future and create it exactly as I desire.
  • I can sustain or eliminate my awareness of all forms of spiritual life on this planet.
  • I can know any secret and see into any place.
  • I can change my DNA.
  • I can teleport without technological assistance.
  • I can relive events from what appears to be the past from any person’s life.
  • I can influence how every person interacts with this body.
  • I can do anything physically I choose to.
  • I can regrow any list limb and heal anything within this body.
  • I can release any trapped energy in my body.
  • I can lovingly communicate with any cancer cells in my body and ask them to grow in alignment with the rest of the body in mind.
  • I can slow, stop, or speed up my heart.
  • I can release anything appearing as physical pain in this body.
  • I can summon angels to guide me throughout the day.
  • I can experience anything I wish to in my life.
  • I am afraid sometimes of using my full powers to create because of what I might manifest.
  • I can choose to remain in a peaceful and joyous state as long as I wish.
  • I can love and enjoy any state of pain, grief, and fear.
  • I can laugh at my feelings and thoughts as I use them to create a comedy routine. One of my favorite examples of this was driving two days ago to see my sister at the MGM Grand in Detroit. With hundreds of memories of compulsive gambling and thousands of memories of alcoholic drinking, I experienced a fear so strong I cried while driving with the expectation I would walk through a casino for the first time I four years. I then pictured showing this whole situation as an ad for MGM Grand on TV and laughed for five minutes intermittently as I cried. It was funny because the ads make going to a casino and gambling seem like so much fun when my truth was more like terror of even walking through what feels like a hell full of addicts, lonely people, massive egos, and escorts with an occasional happy person and their friends stopping by to enjoy the show. Upon arriving I shared the fear I experienced with my sister and we walked through the casino and to her hotel room to talk while her husband walked me out without me stopping for any gambling or drinking.
  • I can move any object without touching it. For example, I was struggling to loosen but on the head of the shower until I remembered this ability. I then paused, moved my consciousness inside the nut, asked it to please loosen for me, and then easily turned it to take it off. Another time I dropped my camera and the battery started giving en error. I moved inside the camera, forgave it for the error, apologized for dropping it, and the error was gone the next day.
  • I can be in many places at once.
  • I can understand and love anything.
  • I can transmute suffering into understanding, pain into pleasure, hate into love, and do each in reverse also.
  • I can communicate with every person on this planet.
  • I can influence any one body’s opinion towards this body without any communication.
  • I can recognize what looks like criticism and judgment to some is really just the divine help I am asking for. For example, those finding the Jerry Banfield profile on Steem controversial and sharing reasons why it is doing wrong are helping bring that same profile new followers and enthusiastic supporters for life every day as the people they share with gain curiosity and end up disagreeing with the original opinion they heard. For those that ask why I do not defend myself, I hope this makes it clear that I have no need to defend myself from those I love and that help me especially when they are not consciously aware of how they are doing it.

What are my limits?

  • My limits are those I choose to have this moment which is all there is.

What are my intentions here?

  • I intend to make Steem available to every human being that wishes to have a beautiful life here, that wants more time with family, that creates from the heart, and that wants to earn an income online that is enough to feed their family.
  • I intend to assist every person on earth including those alive and not born yet in having th ability to share our truth, connect I love and service, and be free of the need to work for money as I am today.

You have helped me to realize my full power and today I am here to help you with the same!


Jerry Banfield

2018-05-29 21.45.06.jpg

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Let's stay together?

Our Most Important Votes on Steem are for Witness!


No human or being on the planet can do some of those things you mention. I'm confused.

I can young one.

I just paid myself.

3 times. I can do this all nite.

I am Jerry's, younger brother Evan Wrekn. Chuck Norris Is our 3rd cousin. This is normal In our family. Crazy Super Powers.

Jerry's last name was almost Norris. Yes, Jerry Norris. Chuck, came back through time and told our Mom to branch off and Call ourselves the Banfield Crew. Then Chuck, Knighted me Evan Wrekn.

Once more!!!

You’re right that not human being can! I am much more than a human being and much less than a body as we all are.

Very impressive post! This is the first time I encounter a person so blessed with love and compassion and strength. I fi wish you all the best and that your compassionate mission to carry all the burden you could help to carry be very successful and always rewarding for your spirit!


Thanks for you sir and most welcome.

Most welcome sir..

Are you human ?

I've been watching your videos and your work for some time. I can't understand where does all this energy you have come from. I'm sure you are investing a lot of time and also money to keep all this videos and post comming.

@jerrybanfield you really deserve to be a witness. I'm on the phone now but when I reach my laptop I will vote you as a witness!

Good job!

I totally get the tears of fear about walking through the casino after giving up a gambling addiction. I may not agree with much else here but beating an addiction is a super human thing to do. Nothing can destroy a life and the lives of loves ones like gambling can. Absolute respect to you for that. Despite not agreeing with much else in the post. If thats what got you out of the blackness and absolute wretchedness of addiction then its worth repeating.
If you could find your way to engage with @gails-word-syrup, she is fighting her daughters demons, I'd be truly grateful. Maybe you could inspire or help her. Shes a lovely lady. Thank you :-)

a great blog mr banfield

whoami? I am a paradox. I am a walking liberal conservative trying to survive in a circus jungle crazy black hole.

whoareu? jerrybanfield you are a jack-of-all-trades. One who never ceases to amuse.

Sangat bermanfaat bagi kami steemian kecil.
Very useful for us small steemian

fantastic, you are a superman Jerry.

you can do many thing bro..but most effective and valuable thing for me is you committed steemit to me.. That was the best thing for me.. Thanks bro

For real its truly amazing how you manage to still find out time and commitment in encouraging other steemians despite busy schedules and other stuffs you must be doing aside being here on the blog.
I believe we all are mini god in one way or the other and i really do get inspired especially when i come across your post,
Thanks alot @jerrybanfield for sharing this.

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