in #busy6 years ago

Social media in my opinion is one of the most important inventions after the incandescent lights, wheels, internet, and jengkol sticks ever created by humans. Social Media to be referred to by the author "sosmed".

Social Media to be referred to by the author "sosmed". I have to admit sosmed has colored half my life so far, sosmed the beginning that I use is my old friendster ngehits banget with comment-commentnya full of colorful glitter after that friendster died by itself changed into a site-situ game, but many photos - photos and memorable memories exist alongside the drowning of friendster. Photos and memorable memories exist alongside the drowning of friendster.

Friendster died replaced with the emergence of facebook and twitter that I still use today just for funny-funny, friends, and get useful information especially on twitter and facebook also works not only for networking and showcase the existence in cyberspace but also to do the task -the lecture, can be to upload the file. In fact there are some friends of mine who media communication only facebook, they if the sms, on the phone, it's old response, different if I ngewall or chat on fb messenger, fast response sisss ....

In fact there are some friends of mine who media communication only facebook, they if the sms, on the phone, it's old response, different if I ngewall or chat on fb messenger, fast response sisss ....

Then comes instagram, path, snapchat and so on. The last 3 years is quite active also play instagram and path, but in the last month appears saturation point in playing sosmed especially the path function tends to show off, this sebenernya private applications but can be shared to fb, and twitter, quite paradox with the goal originally contrived path, and now i'm enjoying steemit and now i'm enjoying steemit

And I just realized also that with a lot of sosmed play to make heads quickly become full, and brilliant ideas lure just as much play sosmed. I've greatly reduced playing with sosmed most also just to upload photos with friends for as a keepsake and online storage media if at any time the photo is needed or used as a meme to just funny.


That is a good essay. I think the social media will be a dominan information media in the world on next era. I beleave it....

Ga ada bahasa IDN nya,,, sedikit2 ngrtinya cm,,, hehehe

belajar english dikit2 hehehehe

Good artikel bro. Aku rasa juga begitu ya. Media sosial yang tidak melihat aspek kemajuan akan gulung tikar. Banyak yang sudah terbukti. Misalnya, dulu pertama kali tahu chatting dari Yahoo Messenger (YM), integrasi dari aplikasi email ke chatting. Kini sudah benar-benar gulung tikar. Sebelum itu juga popular Mrc, media chatting yang awal-awal mula hadir.

hahaha biasa main MiRC brooo..... asl pls hahaha

Ciiieee sudah mulai menemukan ritme menulis. Bahkan sudah sangat memahami metode bersteemitan nih.

lumayan broh

Due to its nature, we can not use social as formal reference or take a quote for scientific paper and formal writing..

Wuidiiiih...nulisnya udah full bahasa inggris nih. Tapi ada beberapa kata yang takterjemahkan. Hahaha... Lanjutkan, bro. Semoga nanti makin jago nulis dalam bahasa Inggrisnya ya. Jempol daaaah....

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