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RE: Freewrite Day 408 Carnival

in #busy6 years ago

Howdy there fitinfun! Wow, you did a tremendously good deed there! Hey if this is too painful then just forget the question but if your marriage was a happy one what happened?


I think we just came to an end with differing goals and lives. In one year, we both graduated college, his son left for college, we both changed to travelling jobs, and could not keep it together. It was a really hard year for both of us. Then it all crashed down and I moved to a new state and got a whole new life. There was no hope by that point.

Howdy today fitinfun...well I'm sorry to hear that. Did you have your son with him? If not then you've probably not had any contact.

No, my son came three years later with a boyfriend who thought he wanted kids until I got pregnant. I left when I was 6 weeks along and only saw him twice after that. My son went to Denver when he was 18 to try to connect, but that did not happen.

oh ok, I'm sorry to hear that fitinfun and I'm sorry if I brought up bad memories! yikes that's bad and irresponsible and selfish of that guy.

I don't think he was ready for the responsibility or understood what it meant. I know my son and I had a more stable like without him, but I sure wish I could have found Caleb a good male role model or mentor. We had a lot of fails in that regard.

oh I understand fitinfun, it seems like that is the biggest fail in American marriages..well, one of them anyway, because the men take off.

In this case, I took off. We were living together and he started going out every night and coming home drunk after the bars closed late.

I was working really hard with long hours and just needed some sleep! My first couple months of pregnancy where very tiring anyway.

I moved out to a hotel and thought we might get back together. But we never did after that.

howdy this fine Saturday fitinfun! What is the weather like over there, do you guys have winters? In regards to the other subject, that's too bad but sounds like the best move.

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