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RE: Ellen Suggests It Is Okay To Be Kind To Someone You Disagree With...

in #busy5 years ago

Here's how I see it.....

If I want people to accept me the way I am and treat me nice even when we don't see eye to eye on everything, then isn't that what I am supposed to be doing for everyone else?

I thought it was totally crazy how people threw away long time friends and made public spectacles of themselves over their political opinions. Honestly... it was hard to fathom.

I have to admit, even though I just said I have to accept others how they are if I want them to accept me how I am, I do have issue with public shamers (quietly, in my head). I think it is some sort of addiction now, bullying if you will, to try to see if you can bend someone else to your opinion..... to be a part in mass shaming. What a sad testimony to the heart of a person, that they get something that makes them feel good out of it.

I'm so glad she didn't cave. I've seen a lot of folks apologize for things they really didn't need to apologize for, simply because of huge amount of online ugliness.

Sad.... very sad.


Very thoughtful comment.

I agree, it's a damn shame when people are fighting with people they know over a dysfunctional political system

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