in #busy6 years ago (edited)

The dictionary defined fear as

An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of pain, danger or harm.
Being afraid is the state of having fear.

It's natural for humans to be afraid but at times we tend to fear what we should confront. We fear what should have being afraid of us. We fear things that are harmless because of the wrong message we get from our minds and thinking.
I have seen two acronyms of fear and that tend to be true.

A =Appearing
R= Real

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The above seem so true and a responsible factor why people fail in life. They see the giants on their way to success that only exist in their minds and not in reality. They see all the impossibilities and not seeing any possibility, why?; They have allowed fear to take hold of their thoughts.
Many want to start up businesses but the fear to take certain risks have not allowed them to start anything useful for themselves in business.

Not taking a risk is risky in life because life itself is a risk

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Many of us reading this post have great ideas that can give us wealth even more than Bill Gate, Mark(Facebook owner) and other great wealthy people but we are where we are today because we are afraid of taking some risk.
Students fail exams at times not because they have not read well or they didn't read the course properly but they have allowed the almightiness of the course to put fear in them and thereby making them unable to confront the giant in front of them.
Many have failed in relationships or their marriage because they allowed the negativity of the relationship and marriages of others to create fear in them and make them to readily and easily give up even without attempting to build back that broken relationship.
I can go on and on to talk about the effect of this fear in several spheres of life but seeing a problem and not having solutions to that problem is still a problem

How To Overcome fear

1 Stay away from negative people who never say positive things to propel the giant in you.
2 Always see the Possibility from ImPossibility
3 Speak positive things to yourself because what you hear or say to yourself forms part of your actions.
4 Take calculated risk because life itself is Risky
5 Read and think of those who have ever made it in life.
6 Above all, rely on the ability of God that is in you.

Go and overcome your fears


Thanks for this great piece,
for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.2timothy 1vs7

Yes no more fears my dear. But boldness to overcome challenges of life.
Thank you for stopping by

Challenges will sure come but fear is never an option because their is no vaccum in life we must replace fear with faith

am encouraged @inspiredgideon1

Thank you for coming around. God bless.

this is sooo right =) ..fear most of the times is hard to conquer but using our faith will always be one the best options to drive it away =)

Faith is the antidote to fear.

Thanks for teaching me ways to overcome my fears steemit bro.
Stay blessed

Thank you kid sis for coming around.

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