8 Inspiring Stories of Successful Indonesian Entrepreneurs

in #busy7 years ago

8 Inspiring Stories of Successful Indonesian Entrepreneurs
Edited by • December 27, 2015
Lately a lot of people start more glance of the business world rather than being an employee of a company. The financial success that can be gained from building your own business encourages people to choose to start their own business. Many success stories of entrepreneurs who start from scratch and have to go a long and winding road before finally achieve success that can be an inspiration for you who want to try out the world of entrepreneurship. Here you can listen to the success stories of 8 entrepreneurs from the middle to the great, old and young, who are starting from the bottom and difficult before achieving the current success.

  1. Bob Sadino
    Born in Lampung, March 9, 1939, the late entrepreneur with the full name of Bambang Mustari Sadino is one of the successful entrepreneurs who had experienced a fall-awake before finally incised a great success. After about nine years as an employee, Bob decides to stop and swerve to become an entrepreneur. The first business he pioneered was a car rental business, with only one Mercedes and he alone.

But because of the accident that happened to him while driving a car that rented it, the business was stopped in the middle of the road. Not discouraged, he then switched professions as construction workers paid with daily wages. When he became the porter, he saw other business opportunities, chicken farming and chicken eggs. With the capital of his neighbor's loan, Bob finally started the business. Initially, Bob offered his own merchandise from house to house in the area around his residence, especially to the expatriates, in the numbers Kemang, South Jakarta. His egg business was finally sweet and he developed wings by selling meat and vegetable hydoponics. Thanks to his tenacity, the business was a success and he founded Kem-Chicks, a well-known supermarket that sells a wide range of farm and farm products. Although already successful, he still appear simple and often serve his own customers as his own family.

  1. Susi Pudjiastuti
    Women born in 1965 who now serves as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia under President Jokowi this is a famous businessman firm. He pioneered his business in the field of fisheries and then airlines from scratch. After choosing to quit school before graduating high school, he started his business as a clothing merchant and a bed cover. After seeing the potential of his residence area, Pangandaran, as a fish producer, Susi then use it as a business opportunity and switch to fishery business. With a capital of only Rp750 thousand from selling his jewelry, he started buying fish from the auction and marketed it to a number of restaurants. After getting stuck, Susi's business finally managed to control the fish auction market in Pangandaran and even then penetrated into the export of fish and lobster.

The airline business also started from the fishery business. To solve the problem of slow fish delivery by land or sea, Susi purchased an aircraft from a bank loan for the transport of its marine products, which later developed into a fleet of Susi Air airlines serving inland and charter routes.

  1. Reza Nurhilman
    For those who do not know this name, you may be more familiar with the "kripik devil" Maicih. Yes, Reza Nurhilman is the name of the young man who is behind the extra-spicy popular cassava chips product. Reza started this cassava chips business in mid 2010 alone by the age of 23 years with initial capital of 15 million rupiah. For this business, he took one local chips manufacturer in Bandung.

Reza started this business by doing simple marketing, through social media platform, Twitter, before developing wings by applying an agency system that uses the term General so that its products can reach a wider consumer. These Generals market their products by traveling or nomadic.

Bandung-born young man 28 years ago this claim the key to his success lies in his way of thinking out of the box, that is by not opening a shop like most sellers so make the product exclusive. Through Twitter, the generals tell the sales location information every day. This unique way of marketing proved successful in raising the name Maicih in cyberspace. Just half a year course, Maicih turnover can reach Rp 7 billion per month. Fantastic numbers, right?

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  1. Sunny Kamengmau
    Have you heard of Robita handbags? Robita bag that is so popular in Japan is even reportedly become a dream by all socialites in the cherry country. The person behind the 'kitchen' bag Robita brand is Sunny Kamengmau, young man from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Who would have thought a young man who never graduated from high school eventually became a successful entrepreneur who could inspire anyone who heard his story.

Sunny started her business with a reckless capital. After leaving his hometown and going to Bali, he worked as a sweeper at a hotel. After a long time he was appointed as a security guard because it is considered to have a good work ethic. During that time, he also used his time to learn English and Japanese. His first salary he set aside to buy the two foreign language dictionaries and study them diligently. Luck may have been on his side from the very beginning he was employed at the hotel, because there he became acquainted with a Japanese businessman who then asked him to supply leather bags to his country. Although it had been stumbling for some time, even almost lost all the tailor bag that worked for him, Sunny slowly can rise and business bag itupun increasingly strengthened to be able to have 100 employees.

  1. Gibran Rakabuming
    Today the name Gibran Rakabuming may have been known by almost all Indonesians, despite the fact that his father, Joko Widodo, was a president of the republic of Indonesia. Gibran is the owner of a business in the field of catering and wedding organizer with the name Chili Pari.

Before serving as Mayor of Solo, then Governor of Jakarta, and finally President of Indonesia, his father, Joko Widodo is a furniture entrepreneur. However, Gibran chose to pioneer his own business without his father's intervention. He started his business by applying for a loan to the bank for capital. Although he was rejected several times, he finally got approval from one of the banks and with the loan capital he started Chili Pari by serving small party orders. Due to its own ability and tenacity, Chili Pari now handles large orders with guests up to thousands of people and Gibran's efforts are growing.

  1. Nicholas Kurniawan
    Nicholas Kurniawan's name may not be too familiar to your ears, but nowadays in the very young age, 20 years, he has successfully become the youngest ornamental fish exporter in Indonesia. It all started from the condition of his family that collapsed and in debt, and Nicholas also intend to change his fate. Tried a variety of businesses ranging from insurance, food, MLM, and toys, falling up and even had time to not go to class when grade 2 high school, he began to rise again and try his luck by selling ornamental fish online through the site Kaskus. Although some times cheated by prospective buyers, Nicholas ornamental fish business has now reached overseas and in a month turnover can reach more than Rp100 million.

  2. Hamzah Izzulhaq
    This young man born in 1993 has proven himself as a successful young entrepreneur. Since childhood, he was seen to have the talent to do business, namely by selling marbles, firecrackers, until the newspaper. He has also been a parking attendant and motorcycle taxi. While attending a student business seminar while still in high school, Hamzah was offered a franchise guidance counseling by a young man who is still young but already has a study guide with 44 branches. With a capital of Rp5 million and a loan of Rp70 million from his father, he bought one of the branches that happened to be offered to be taken over for Rp175 million. The remaining Rp100 million is paid in installments from the profit of each semester. His business is growing, and now Hamzah already has 3 franchise license guidance with the number of students above 200 people every semester. Since the end of 2011, Hamzah's business has been officially incorporated under the name CV Hamasa Indonesia. This 22-year-old boy served as president.

  3. Yasa Singgih
    Born from a mediocre family, this 1995 birthbearer decided to go into business since a very young age. Since the age of 15, after his father suffered a heart attack and had to undergo surgery, he started earning his own money by hosting a variety of birthdays and music events. In addition, still at the same age, he started doing business online by selling decorative lights, but did not last long because of supplier problems. A year later, at the age of 16, Yasa turned to fashion business. Had fallen up and underestimated people, to the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars from various businesses, before finally he managed to build his own clothing brand by carrying the name Mens Republic. In addition, he also manages a management consulting business named MS Consulting as well as a residential complex in the form of land lots in Bogor.

You Can Become A Successful Entrepreneur
How, very inspiring is not it? Indeed many say not everyone has the talent to be entrepreneurs, but view from the stories above, it can be concluded that success is the result of hard work, not pure of talent. Hopefully the inspirational stories of successful entrepreneurs above you can learn the lesson and become a motivation for you to try yourself plunge in this unlimited business world. Hopefully you too can become successful entrepreneurs like them!

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