Benefits of Sugar Cane for Health and fit to drink in the afternoon when the sun

in #busy7 years ago

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Sugarcane is a plant that is very familiar with the people of Indonesia because sugarcane can thrive in this beloved country. Planting sugar cane is easy enough to even not require special care if only for family consumption. Just a stem of sugar cane sticks then plug into the wet soil then enough water will grow by itself. In rural sugar cane many planted in the side and back of the house but only for family consumption. But for large-scale sugar cane planted in large quantities and even acres-hectar ie for commercial purposes. Cane is rich in water content, so much use as a refreshing drink that is well suited disruput when the sun is hot. Nowadays to get sugar cane water is very easy because it is found on the edge of the road of people who sell this sugar cane, please stop by if you are thirsty on the way surely guaranteed your body will be fresh after menyruput this cane water.
The role of sugar cane in human life is very important as a raw material that produces sugar every time we need to menabahkan the sweet taste of both food and drinks. As we know there are several types of sugar cane that can be visibly distinguished from the skin color of the sugar cane species, there is a type of black sugarcane and there is also a sugar cane that is yellowish green color, but for this type of difference let the experts who peel it, because in the review it aims to peel off the health benefits of sugar cane. In addition to providing a fresh taste to release the thirst in the throat, it turns out sugar cane is also beneficial for health of the body. From the resulting sweetness that we drink through the sugar cane water will be a source of energy in our bodies, not to mention other types of content.
In addition to water and sugar, there are many other types of compounds found in sugar cane, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, zaat iron, niacin, riboflavin, sam pantothenat, manganese, copper, magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Well it turns out the freshness of sugarcane juice also contains important substances for the body as written above. While the shape of stems and leaves of this sugar cane I'm sure all must have known it so the characteristics of this sugar cane tree also you must have memorized. So here no longer need to give the characteristics of this sugar cane tree. But certainly to this day in certain areas wet many sugarcane farmers that exist as well as sugar factories that are old age are still operating.
So sugarcane also has an important role for industries such as sugar factories, beverage factories using sugar cane and others. Cane water is very popular with our society including myself. Well, now what are the benefits and efficacy of sugar cane for health it? Benefits of sugar cane for the health of the body you can fully observe the following:

As an energy source
Sweet and fresh sugar cane water is used to relieve thirst when it's daytime, well it turns out that sweet cane water can be processed by the body into energy that is to restore the condition of the body that lack of energy and will certainly restore the body condition fit again. Cane juice is right to drink during work breaks during the day to recharge your energy after lunch break.

To Prevent and Treat Infection
Cane water is believed to be used to treat infections such as urinary tract infections and inflammation of the stomach.

Safe enough for high blood sugar
Kandungan gula alami dalam tebu ternyata tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan bagi penderita diabetes. Memang diabetes harus ekstra hati-hati saat mengkonsumsi yang manis-manis, tapi lain halnya dengan air tebu karena air tebu memiliki kandungan glikemik yang rendah.

nourish the heart
Reduced liver function can cause jaundice, namely the presence of bilirubin in the blood that causes pigmentation of the skin and membranes.

Prevent the emergence of kidney stones
Kidney stones can occur if the body is too often lack of fluids, now to menghidarinya can use this fresh sugar cane as a regular consumption drink. In addition it turns out in sugarcane water also contains natural substances that help shed kidney stones.

Reduce the risk of cancer
Sugarcane water is very good for the prevention of cancer such as breast and lung cancer because the sugarcane juice contains good alkaline to prevent the occurrence of cancer.

Prevent shortage of body fluids
Lack of body fluids or dehydration can cause the body to weaken, this condition can be recovered by consuming sugarcane water, energy-filled liquids will also be restored.

Nourish and strengthen teeth
Mineral content of sugarcane juice is necessary to maintain healthy teeth so as not easily damaged, and can stimulate to produce the enzymes that need to clean the mouth of bacteria.

Thus the benefits of sugarcane that we often find around us, so from now on do not be reluctant and hesitate to consume sugar cane water.


@ihsan6837 nice information friend.. I waiting other your post..


thank you so much to your new friend @fedrihidayat you my sake so I am your equal

ok.. I'am no understand speak english.. lol..

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