The Power of thoughts #1: Things You Must know Before You Think.

in #busy7 years ago (edited)


When i was still studying in college,I studied in a nomad town in Niger state known as Lapai. Oneday I needed money, so I decided to visit the ATM(automated machine) to get raw cash. In this part of the country, there were only two banks serving the students and traders who come to trade especially on the market day. I proceeded to the bank and joined the long que. While on the que I had only few thoughts;

please God don't let this money finish before it gets to me. What if this money does not get to me. It will finish in my turn.

Well, the amazing thing was; when it got to my turn, the machine stopped dispensing, the money had finished as I had already conceived in my heart.

Was this the first and the last time I let my thoughts elude me? No!

Let me tell you a riskier thought.

We all travel, either air or road or rail sometimes even waterways. For me, I still travel by road often. Any time I get on the road for a longer journey, before I understood the power of thoughts, a lot of it ran my mind.

Will I be safe? Hope their won't be accident? What if it happens?

I hardly could get my mind off these things. More especially because most Nigerian roads are so bad that you can hardly breathe. Let me tell you about my journey to Lagos before I became verse with the power of thoughts.

I had to travel to Lagos for a training, well, the company I work with decided they would only pay for road travel from Abuja, a journey of about 12 hours. Funny enough, it was on this journey that I came across the book "THE SECRET" powerful book!!!
It unveiled the power of thoughts to me. But unfortunately on that journey, It was my first time to Lagos and I was so not sure of how I felt. I was having those funny thoughts again. When we got to Ikere just the town close to Edo the vehicle just cried out in a loud sound; Toua! Toua!! Toua!!! And it stopped. We were so surprised a vehicle functioning so well in the last minutes? We were there for over two hours trying to fix it, until we realized it wasn't possible. We boarded another vehicle I got to Lagos about 12am.

On my way back it even became worse. As the thought came to me, I tried to get them off my mind. To me I still thank God I am still alive, it takes a second for bad things to happen.

Our vehicle has been very careful, our driver was not over speeding at all. It was a slow and steady journey. Then we got to almost same town (can't really recall) but it was immediately passing after Akure.
Immediately driving pass Akure, another travel bus overtook ours, but there was a huge pothole in front so he slowed down for it. You wouldn't believe that our own vehicle couldn't slow down, the brake failed. We entered the bush to avoid contact with the other vehicle in front, it took Jehovah's love for our driver to control that vehicle back to the road.and immediately we got back to the road that same minute, the brakes got back to normal. Gosh! I was so perplexed. I did get to Abuja finally by 9pm.
I still thank God till date, that there were no trees, no stones, and nothing in that bush to cause obstruction. I don't know what story we would be saying by now.

I still have more stories to let you understand the power of thoughts. But for now let's talk about it.

What Is A Thought
A thought is some kind of words or action that often preconceived in the mind, sometimes consciously or subconsciously.

Thoughts sometimes may turn into reality when they are acted upon. Some thoughts just like in my case comes into reality but the action on it is above our capacity.

Therefore, when we think, they become thoughts. Sometimes our thoughts are only limited to us.

Quick Fact: There is no one who can discern what we think except the creator, even the devil can't. He only operates through our actions, reactions and words.

The Power of Thoughts
Here is how it works. When we think about anything. The universe records what we we think and say. Then it begins to work towards those thoughts. Why do you think when you continually think of how to do something, or acommplish a stuff, everything begins to come or fall in place? When you think you can't, the odds begin to work against it you.

Its simple. The best way to accomplish something is to continually map out its plans through thoughts and work on them. This is why we say success depends on 80% of the planning and 20% of the execution.

If you can take time out to think, conceive, and plan, you stand a better chance to win.
Do you know that most people and businesses whom fail do so because they neglected the power of thoughts?

The Two Kinds of Thoughts
There are several kinds of thoughts. For me I would love to classify them into two;

Positive and Negative thinking

A positive thought is one that caries the right ingredients to living. It makes for good thinking, to good life and doing good comes from it. This however can be associated to all good things in the universe.

Negative thinking is often considered as the wrong kind of Thoughts. This has to do with all bad things you think can happen in life.

Applying The Power of Thoughts
The power of thoughts can be rewarding in all we do. Let us consider how we can apply the power of thoughts in, business, decision making and relationship.

Applying the power of thoughts in Business
Like I said earlier, if you want your business to succeed you can't rule out the power of thoughts. For this reason, it is advised to have a business plan or model before moving out. It affords you time and energy to think about your business, conceive it, paint a mind picture and be realistic. The power of thought makes for brain storming. Therefore, if you have not being brainstorming, yet to create a business plan, or think your business through. Go back and do it, or you could contact me to think for you for few SBD.

Applying the power of thoughts in Decision Making
Do you know that there are people who just do things in their lives without thinking it through? They buy always without thinking, they eat whatever they like without thinking. Come to think of it, we are homo'sapiens because we are designed to be thought beings.


When you do not think before doing things, you will pay dearly for it. The question is;

How do you think before making Decisions?

To make or take any decisions in life is not easy. Hence here are few tips to help you before you make decisions.

  1. Always be in your best state of mind and thoughts.

  2. Do not make any decision in Anger.

  3. Always make sure you have all the details you posibly can.

  4. Never take a decision in first stance, always ask for time to think it through.

  5. Always consider the consequence of any decision. Weigh the advantage and disadvantage.

  6. Look into the future of any decision you will make now.

  7. Consider the greater good in your decision if it involves not only you.

  8. Never take a decision when you are yet to understand the fundamentals.

  9. Whatever you believe in, pray to it. If you believe in God, pray to him.

  10. Always seek for advice, but never let anyone make your decisions. Seieve out the best thoughts in advice you take.

You can, and always make the right decision when you take a long look and deep thought. No matter what happens be convinced it was the best decision you could take at that time.

Applying the power of thoughts in Relationships

If people applied the power of thoughts in relationships,there will be less problems. Unfortunately most people are too busy to think. This is why they fail to see what they are suppose. What can the power of thoughts do for you in a relationship?

The power of thoughts will open your eyes in a relationship and help you know when to react, keep quiet, stay or leave.


To illustrate, a boy who always beats you in a relationship should open your eyes to the fact that he will continue if you marry him.
Insight after thoughts should let the girl know what the right step to take.

When a girl says she loves you, and for a month, weeks, and days she never calls, never texts, deep thoughts should let you know the answer to your relationship.

If we becoming more thinking people in a relationship, it will help us decern new ways to show love, it will help us grow our relationship, we can hardly run out of ideas.

To be continued.....

This is not a professional advice, the author or blog is not to be held for any misapplication or misunderstanding of this article.

This is original content authored by I.C Nelson

This is a product of iconnelly concepts ©2018

Yours truly loved



I like your write up, your writing skills is marvellous. I must say, our thoughts form our actions. Most of the things we humans do are determined by our thoughts. Thanks for shedding more light to this very powerful topic

I appreciate your review and recommendation. Thanks for complementing and reading this article.

Great, powerful and comprehensive write up. Our thoughts are too important that we should allow all of it falls into the unconscious. We should be mindful with what data we feed into our minds by filtering the thoughts in our heart. I once read a line from the Bible which says

as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Thanks for sharing this great thoughts with us today. Have a beautiful day ahead.

Wao. You should author a book.

Nice one. Only hope i get over the hurt of today that had made me react badly to people this morning.

When people you care about only end up to wound you

Just take your time, think it tgrough never allow it affect your vibe!

Wow! nice post iconnelly

Thanks for giving the news.

 I like your post very much. Keep it up. Stay blessed be happy.

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