Avoid saving the liver ...

in #busy6 years ago

The parts that are most effective inside your body include a liver or liver. It does not provide as much care as it needs. Due to unhealthy living conditions and wrong eating habits, instead of playing twelve liver. Here are some foods that seem to be healthy. They also have many benefits. But these foods are harmful to the liver, as many health workers think.
Tinned vegetables are not very popular in our country. However, workers and busy people often find other foods including tinned vegetables. A lot of salt in cans or soup is available in cans. Experts say that adults take salt in the amount of 2,000 to 2,400 milligrams per day. But, as one can see, those who eat a little more canned food, salt in their bodies reach 10 thousand milligrams. Extremely harmful to salt liver.
Dry fruits, many studies have highlighted many different qualities of dried fruit. But in some other studies it has emerged as harmful to the liver. However, there is no threat like dried fruit candy or sugar-rich foods. Due to dry, high levels of fructose. They are known as regin, fruit juice etc. Fructose does not easily break the body. Then it was stored in liver as fat. Inflammation becomes the cause. Extra Fructose increases abnormal fat in the liver.
Who does not like to eat fruit juice in a sugar-drinking food store. But these are the health hazards of the liver. The same thing in Beverage or Sankhy drinking is the same as Fructose. The liver's performance was ruined by these. Popular soft drinks are also full of Fructose. It is said, if they drink, then increase the weight. It is visible But the ending of the liver is not seen in the inside.
Processed meat are also known as deli meats, lunch meals or sliced ​​meats. Many people prefer this processed meat, whether it is food for the taste or the hobby. But there are so many sodium in such meat. Its level is at a terrible level. This diet causes high blood pressure. Liver extra fluid creates. The liver can not handle it. Along with this, the meat contains saturated fat or trans fat. Have a Preservative Trans fat and saturated fat are responsible for non-allocular185339Liver-(1).jpg
liver diseas

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