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RE: Why don't the Israelis leave us alone?

in #busy5 years ago

i did not know about that nazi part of the history but i will research more about it.

The recent bombing of the house was said to be an accident according to Hamas but pales compared to the attacks from israel last week. no dead just injured. when israel attacks: hundreds dead.

Wanna hear an insidious idea that could get rid of the PLO (muahahahaha)? :D :
Grant palestinians israeli citizenship and equal rights without letting people be able to distinguish who is jewish muslim palestinian or israeli! Then the PLO would loose citizens in an instant and could not rule anymore. Also a lot of problems would be dealt with like Palestinian refugees finally have the right to return and have freedom of movement. until then im afraid what israel is doing is empowering the PLO. And kind of granting Palestinians Israeli citizenship should be a bare minimum as they are like the native americans of that area, native americans also didnt get US citizenship until the 1920s.

I think if Israel did that then there would be peace and prosperity.
Take Rwanda for example. If you watched the movie "hotel rwanda" you would probably know about the Hutu tribe genocide, and how easily Hutu were found by their distinguishable passports. Now tribal fights stopped with everyone forced to communicate in english and no indicators for what tribe. Rwanda is becoming the singapore of africa.

Though that would not happen anytime soon as the Israeli government does not see Palestinians as people, or atleast that is the only explanation I can think of why they would do such inhumane treatment towards them.
I wanna hear tho what you think about that idea?

I mean in the original Vox documentary that i sent they did mention that idea but they said it would not be executed as they would then get the right to vote. and anything less than equal treatment will result in resentment and more conflict.


The recent bombing of the house was said to be an accident

Are you really this stupid? The missiles they fire are not precision munitions they send them out and don't care where they land!

First you say their attacks don't do any damage now you say it was an accident if you really cared about the Arabs of gaza you might mention this...

In the dozen years since Hamas seized control of Gaza, it has become increasingly dictatorial, and its members ever more greedy for power and money. In the past, when there were attempts at small-sale protests over economic issues, Hamas simply smashed the protests, beat and detained protesters with sufficient brutality to persuade others not to join in. But in 2019, the economic misery of the Gaza Arabs has become so overwhelming that, driven by desperation, they no longer feared being beaten; people came out to denounce Hamas, knowing full well that they would be put down by brute force. They had a simple slogan: “We want to live.” They were prepared to be beaten and arrested, and more than a thousand of them were.

Seventeen journalists covering Gaza were also arrested since the protests began, and their equipment seized. Of the ten who were released as of this writing, four required hospitalization because of the severity of the beatings they had received. The U.N. envoy, Nickolay E. Mladenov, denounced Hamas for its use of violence against both protesters and journalists.

when israel attacks: hundreds dead.

You mean when Israel responds to an attack.

Wanna hear an insidious idea

Your plan would make it a majority Islamic country so a better comparison would be Sudan where real ethnic cleansing happened or Pakistan where they killed 3million people in 9 months.

hey can we go back to non insultinng discussion??? that was uncalled for... also in response israel already done like almost all the time vengence counterstrikes on that same attack...

check out this link i found today:
it documents day by day the hardships people go through in palestine. you dont have to be a criminal to go through these hardships but everyone does. their only crime is to be born palestinian.

and no it would not make it majority islamic, there are 4,8 million palestinians and 8,7 million israeli... it would just mean that it would be harder to do ethnic cleansing on palestinians... i dont undersstand why in todays day and age you still see your self as a victim of cleansing when you only brought up historical example... right now you have the upper hand and US backing... right now you are cleansing, instead of behaving different from the ones that cleansed instead of making them be ur equal

even when islam becomes a big religion, whats the big deal? germany has a church tax and is currently implementing a mosque tax aswell to keep a tighter control on islam to keep radical wahhabismic influences out of germany. kind of making mosques cooperate with the state in exchange for more payments.

and when you say

when Israel responds to an attack.

you think its fair to push people by day by day into missery to one day snap and one day attack to call it vengence attacks afterwards... if you back an animal in the corner aswell the animal would bite... would you killing the animal still be called vengence?... look at the twitter link people get pushed out of their homes for jewish to live there, houses and schools get destroyed, protestors get shot by israeli snipers and parents weep for their dead sons, school kids get taked from school into prison for years... i felt so angry when seeing this twitter page... do you not feel anything when seeing them suffer...

i find it difficult to see from just writing with you, but do you not acknowledge their suffering? do you not see that they are not allowed to live as equals but are treated like animals? what gave israel the right to do that? are you blind to that or heartless?

k i just saw that documentary, couldnt post this last night due to resource credits. like holy shit i did not kno that hitler was recruiting muslims. but then again if you make the palestinians israeli then israel will be in charge of their education system and would educate them not to go for this propaganda (similar to what happened in germany), which speaks again for israel allowing israeli citizenship and equal rights for palestinians. the right to not vote natanyahu or nationalist leaders endorsing the far right politicians of the west and harrass palestinians. then you would make hamas loose control. i still dont see how you could be against that idea?


Not sure about that Nazi accusation watch this German documentary included in post...

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