Why I Choose Username : Happyphoenix

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Image source : Taken from pixabay, and I have modified

A Brief The Myth Of Phoenix

Phoenix is well known as immortal or long-lived bird and, cyclically regenerates. Several cultures have own story about Phoenix for example in China this bird is named as Fènghuáng (鳳凰) and often paired with dragon. In Egyptian myth Phoenix is associated with the sun and called as Bennu. Each culture has own version about Phoenix but there is similarity in mith that Phoenix will regenerate from his ashes in periodically time.

Image of Phoenix by FJ. Bertuch

Phoenix will burn herself and the arise again form her ashes, but there are many version about the way how Phoenix arise again.

Some cultures believe Phoenix after burned herself turn into egg again and hatch.

Fènghuáng (鳳凰)

Everyone Has A Second Chance.

We are only ordinary human. We are not god, angel or saint. Everybody mostly does a lot of mistakes in their life, but that is not as the reason we stop to continue our life. Life must go on, we can not fix our past time, let's respect the present time and go forward to the future, like is Phoenix regenerate from her ashes. Fix our mistakes in past time by doing many good things and share happiness. That is the reason why I chose username @happyphoenix. (hpx)

Intisari artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

Burung Phoenix memiliki banyak versi cerita mitos, tergantung dari budaya mana kita memandangnya. Di Mesir dikenal dengan nama Bennu di China disebut dengan nama Fènghuáng (鳳凰). Walaupun berbeda versi, burung Phoenix dikenal sebagai burung abadi dan mati terbakar kemudian bangkit kembali dari abunya.

Setiap manusia sering memiliki kesalahan, kita sebagai manusia biasa harus tetap melanjutkan hidup kita. Kita tidak mungkin kembali ke masa lalu, maka hargailah apa yang ada dan tatap masa depan. Lakukanlah hal-hal baik dan membawa kebahagian seperti halnya burung Phoenix yang selalu bangkit dari kematiannya.(hpx)


Phoenix rising is a great way to look at taking another chance. Great story!

yang penting happy mas bro ...siip

siip betull :)

seharusnya pake akun bahasa aceh aja bang hehehe

Oh...suatu kehormatan bagi Saya terima kasih, :D

@rismantachman salam kenal, banyak ilmu yg saya dapat dari Anda, trims.

Salam kenal juga, semua bisa jadi ilmu bagi hati yang bersedia belajar.

Oh iya Pak Risman, teman2 banyak yang cerita mengenai bapak juga, salam kenal juga :)

I thought so))) Because I know this legend. I wish you good luck in the future!

I liked that you chose this name it fits you.Many take the name of HERACLES and themselves cowardly as a mouse

Yes, indeed that is why I choose a username carefully, because our username represent our personality. Nice :)

Wow mantap...never give up.

Makasih Pak Hadi

Amazing bg, saya sangat suka dengan postingan ini selalu berkarya bg

terima kasih kawan :)

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