in #busy7 years ago

Jika Pulang


maaf, jika pulang
aku membawa airmata
bukan karena luka
tapi ada seribu dera
tak mampu kucerita

aku belum kalah
juga tidak menyerah

tak surut
sekalipun tak kau jemput

maaf, jika pulang
aku ingin meminjam tabahmu
yang menggunung di
ketinggian munajadmu


google english translation

sorry, if you go home
I brought tears
not because of injury
but there are a thousand dera
I can not tell

I have not lost
also do not give up

not receding
even if you do not pick up

sorry, if you go home
I want to borrow you
which is mounted on
the height of your munajad
Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite Translator

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