The Blessed Man

in #busy5 years ago

Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. Psalm32:2


From the beginning, God never planned to impute iniquity on man, thus man was made to be freely holy, just like God. It was the disobedience of man that brought the yoke of iniquity and deceptive spirit on humanity. To these, God has a solution: that solution is in Christ Jesus, HALLELUJAH! It's amazing to know that before the solution came, God revealed it to David how blessed we shall be when Christ restore unto us the liberty to live free from iniquity. Blessed, favoured, powerful, anointed, prosperous is that man whose Christ is His righteousness, for he's free from the shackles of iniquity. Are you in Christ? If yes, you are free before God: that's the greatest freedom.

The spirit of guile is destroyed when we come to Christ Jesus. He's the revelation of life and there's no deceit in Him. He's our truth, the only begotten of the Father. Jesus is our salvation from the lies of this world and self deception that plagues every unbeliever. Thus the only way to be truly blessed is coming to Jesus.

Let's pray together. Abba Father, thank you for giving us your blessings and liberty in Christ Jesus. Please touch every unbeliever all over the world that they may come to this knowledge and be free indeed, in Jesus name. Amen.

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