in #busy6 years ago

But I am the LORD thy God, that divided the sea, whose waves roared: The LORD of hosts is his name. Isaiah51:15


The Almighty God is easily known by the things He does. He's the Lord our God by virtue of what He's able to do in our lives. In today's verse, He reminds us of His ability to do the seemingly impossible: dividing a wave roaring sea. The implications of this is that He's the one that opens our lives for His supernatural power to manifest, to the amazement of everyone around us. When God decides to act on our behalves, the outcome is always a marvel. He's creative in His miracles, thus He does what has not been done before. No man can predict the Almighty God, except He decides to show us ahead of time.

Before God divided the red sea, the Israelites didn't have a clue, but were only told to move forward. Here's the good news; if you will trust Him today and take a step forward, despite challenges in your life, He'll divide the red sea in your life and give you access to greatness where there seems to be no way. The fulfillment of His promise is ahead of us,thus we must never look back to the Egypt of our lives.

Let's pray together.
Abba Father, thank you for revealing to us your miraculous personality. As we depend on you today, please do a new thing in our lives, obvious enough for all to know it's you, in Jesus name. Amen.

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