
in #busy5 years ago

Revelation 2:29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.


This is the era of the Holy Spirit. Thus, the Spirit of God is speaking to the churches. It's amazing to understand that you don't have to be in church to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. In fact, the qualification for hearing is that we have ears.
Today, I bring you the message of the Spirit at a time like this and here's the message: REPENT FROM YOUR SINS AND INIQUITIES, TURN TO CHRIST AND BE SAVED. There's no other message that will ensure our membership in God's eternal kingdom than this. It's simple but expedient, for the days are evil and there's great falling away. The love of many is waxing cold, wickedness is rampant, thus we need to return to our first love in Christ Jesus.

It's no more enough to do church, it's time to do Christ. It's the fruits of the Spirit we bear that will take us to eternity with Christ. Sound the message abroad, for it's time to repent from evil. Repent from hunger for recognition and seeking of vain glory. Repent from jealousy. Repent from fornication and adultery. Repent from bribery. Repent from cheating. Repent from idolatry. The message is REPENT.

The changing of fashion and time can't change God. He's the same God from the beginning of the beginning to the ending of the ending. His principles hasn't change. Only the holy shall behold His face. For in Him there's no respect of persons or title.
The Spirit says REPENT and come back to Christ in truth. The choice is ours.

Let's pray together.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your word today. Please forgive us for taking your grace and mercy for granted before now. We come to you in repentance today, please accept us and help us stand firm till the end, in Jesus name. Amen.

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