A Sure Foundation

in #busy5 years ago

1 Corinthians 3:11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ is the sure foundation that can't be destroyed. Afflictions could not distract Him from God's purpose and death could not conquer Him. He's the foundation that stands for eternity. Every other foundations are faulty and shall be destroyed. Which foundation are you standing on? Standing on Christ guarantees victory, joy and peace. Every other foundation leads to destruction. No matter how beautiful a way of life seems, if Christ is not the guiding principle it is vanity. Don't mortgage your destiny with fake foundation. Don't allow your search for solution make you bow to idols. Wait on Christ till He intervenes, for the Master is never late. When He arrives, even death becomes a sleep.

No other foundation can stand the test of time. No other foundation can stand the storms of life. No other foundation can bring eternal joy. No other foundation can give us eternal life with God. Only one foundation is sure, only one way: Jesus Christ is He. Sound the word among all, let the world know, for without Jesus every efforts of man is vanity. Without Jesus Christ every activity is fruitless. The world is passing away with the foundations of men, but Christ our sure foundation stands forever. Take a shift onto the right foundation today. Abide in Christ and you shall never be ashamed.

Let's pray together.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us an everlasting foundation in Christ. Please help us continue in Christ and deliver those standing on faulty grounds, cause them to embrace Christ, in Jesus name. Amen.

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