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RE: There Is Always Hope!

in #busy5 years ago

Thank you for the kind words @skramatters.

I empathize with what you went through as well, and it's apparent you've thought extensively on the "programs."
An empowering feeling like sobriety doesn't sit so comfortably with the idea of powerlessness, when it was me who had to make the choice right?
That's not to say all the principles are wrong. It boils down to what works for you, I just don't need hugs and reinforcement to stay on this train. (My last NA meeting I thought I was going to suffocate from hugs)😄

the stigma of addiction must be removed as nobody is immune to its cunning ability to ruin all things borne of love.

I couldn't agree more, and it might be a good idea for big pharma to chill with opiates... I've lost so many of my veteran brothers from opiate addiction. The VA hospital got tons of vets hooked on opiates, then took them off cold turkey, effectively producing heroin addicts. The Marine Corps promotes drinking because the Corps was founded in a bar. The Corps breeds drunks, but you won't see this stuff in the mainstream media. I'm not sure about the other branches because I didn't serve in them, but partying hard with barely any responsibility at all to be later discharged in a society that operates completely different, is probably a common military theme in the US.
Yeah man, I'm always fine with a resteem. It's definitely a good message to spread, especially for the sick and suffering who need some hope!
Thanks for stopping by, have a nice night.


Anytime, sorry we got off to such a rocky start. I really wasn't intending to mess with you, and admittedly I have a brash way about me at times. Water under the bridge I hope..

I got busy the other day so am just now getting back to you to thank you for your service as well as your willingness to let me resteem this.

If it only helps one person it's all worth it I always say. Have a good rest of your weekend and I'll see you around.

No hard feelings at all bro, I don't always handle things in the best manner and tend to take things a little too personally sometimes. I can recognize that about myself, and I definitely overreact sometimes lol.

I view it the same, 1000 people might pass over the post without a second glance, but if it speaks to one person in need, and makes a difference in their life, then it was totally worth it!
Thank you for resteeming and spreading the message :)
We're all in this together bro, much love, be easy my man!

Good to hear, I'm glad we could work it out and I can help possibly get this intimate and poignant post out to anyone that needs to see it..

I know there is a addiction or recovery type of portal in the pal discord I believe. I'll pop in there and see if there's a post promotion section..

Dunno if you discord or not...Alright man take it easy

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