Religion; The good

in #busy7 years ago

Religion, What man think is the best way of finding God

Spirituality What man think is God’s way of finding him,

Religious beliefs changes over time and I have heard this happen even before I was born, in the late 30/40s for instance, I read it was uncommon to see women publicly in the north, but Aminu Kano took his wife on a tour in Bauchi and allowed her to go out by herself even after then. Which others later allowed their women to do afterwards.

I have seen ugliest beast in men all in the name of being religious. I have see Religion as great weapon which was later abused in a frenzy. Imagine the number of people who died from the time past in the name of religion.

Quite unfortunate we don't check at our Bibles or Qur'ans any longer. So pathetic many just listen to religious leaders blindly. Blindly following them which at times go astray due to their self-absorbed reasons.


The bone of contention here is Religion is not the problem but Man.
Replace religion with any other thing and you will still have people killing people in large numbers. Overtime reasoning I concluded he problem is not religion, the problem are the people who have totally twisted an ideology to suit their narrative understanding.
Problem is not religion, it’s just man, remove religion and man will still find other ways to bring conflict. Man is the problem.
If we don’t use religion to kill each other it will be ethnic, racial and tribal differences. If not that there must be something else to use. So disheartening that People use religion as excuse to cause issues .

Anything can be abused. Unbelief is just another form of believe in it self, from birth man is wired to hold on to something by default, and there's no running from that. However, "There is no compulsion in religion, surely, Truth is clear from error... "
My recent studies gave me an understanding that all religions have a doctrine that strongly advocates peace if they will adhere by their teachings. It's in the nature of man to create strife and conflict. All that is needed is something to use as an excuse to cause division and create conflict.
It will be very illogical to blame a philosophy/world view/religion when the adherents don't practice it in the right way.
The problem we should try to solve now is when people try to defend a certain religion. I mean if the almighty and supreme founder of the so called religion can't defend, fight or shield his teaching and doctrine; then who are we as humans to fight his battle for him ? Let's all wise up people.

In my opinion, the whole point of religion should be self control, and all adherents of these religions should not forget the essence of their faith. In every society, there are always those who defend tradition/dogma, those who are ambivalent towards it and those who want to change it..But it has to come from a place of religious authority and also of understanding, not attacks.
Few decades from now in fact, we may even accept many of the things we today reject in Nigeria - gay marriages for instance, You wowed? That's what man is capable of doing with some scriptural references to back it up. As to those who insist on child marriage as a religious issue, I’m not aware that religion says you must marry a very young girl - maybe it says you can, it doesn’t say you must. It’s like the issue of polygamy - “religion permits” isn’t equal to “religion commands”. What about our forefathers and many wives. But it's not really practice nowadays like as it was then.
i think Karl marx was right after all, Religion is the opium of the masses.
Pure and true religion gives light,but the misinterpretations of the scriptures by man to suit his evil desires is the cause of societal problems.
For Nigeria to grow , we must do away with some of our imported " values " .most of which are not even practiced aggressively by our so called colonial masters. The UK is top 20 least religious country. But that’s where our own president would go to after a serious headache
They always abuse religion in other to save themselves from the difficulties and uncertainties of their lives, most of which are not even spritual but socio-economic. Ask anybody who has lived in any country where praying for electricity is not a thing , they will tell you the same thing . Have you noticed how people travel abroad and are not really religious anymore ? They love God but they now understand that certain things are not his fault
With better science, and with government safety rules and regulations, smaller families, there is less fear and uncertainty in people’s daily lives and hence less of a market for religious fanatics.
Until we learn to be more open minded and understand some certain facts this country is not going to move an inch! Have you noticed the westerners pray less. So many of our prayer points are caused by infrastructural indequacies, our problems are not the evil spirits. They are corrupt men in office. And until they out we continue wallowing in suffering.
Most of our prayers are;
Dear Lord,please let PHCN bring light so I can blend my pepper, do my laundry and charge my phone

Dear Lord, please clear the road for me today. No danfo, police drama biko'
Dear Lord, Please let PHCN bring 'full current' tomorrow. We need to pump water'
Dear Lord, please give me my husband/wife.
Dear Lord, pls give me admission into a University.
Dear Lord, pls change the heart of our leaders.
Father Lord, let this fuel not finish before it gets to my turn.
Father Lord may this ATM cash not finish before it gets to my turn...... and the list is endless.
So you see why most of our prayers won't be answered, simply because the solution is at our fingertip .

In conclusion our problem is not religion but man, until man gets that, the threats, insurgencies, continues to reign. The height of true religion is spirituality and spirituality will reveal to you the deep things of God, a freedom of the mind rather than living by religion’s dogma.

Thanks for reading, upvote resteem follow
I look forward to read your view,

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