A bad day at the golf course is always better than a good day at the office!

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

As you all know or don't know I am a member of the local Golf Club! I would like to write that I am golfer but I don't play enough to be able to write this! This year I only played 3 full rounds, which is around 10 to 15 too low for the time of the year! I would like to play more but we do have small kids which besides work are our number 1 priority!

But today there was a men days tournament. The men club does host a tournament on each last Thursday of the month! This time one of the prices was a 7 day trip to Curacao! So, yes I was willing to offer some spare time to participate!

The weather

As you can see in the picture around 1 o'clock, it was 35 degrees already. Not exactly enjoyable weather to play golf! I normally hate it to play with a cap, but this weather does force me to do it!
So I did had to buy one! This is the result, not something to be proud of :)
I don't believe that I ever did drink more water when playing golf, than I did today. We had temperature up to 37 degrees, and believe and the greens it comes from both sides!

The course: Spiegelven

I did play at my home course, Spiegelven, and played from the yellow tee, which makes the course 5.81 kilometers! I did took photo's from almost every tee box, and I was planning to write a detailed resume of my play today but I will not do this.
I will just show some pics. At the first 9 holes, the course is a forest course, which means that all holes are surrounded by forest. At the second 9 the holes widen up and is transformed into a park course! But the back 9 or more up-and-down, which really wears you out!
The first set are some picks from the first 9, the second set in from the back 9!


The score

Well like written before, I was my third round of the year. And I am not the type of person to go to the driving range :)
The game we played was American Strokeplay. This means that you normally have to finish the hole, but when you have played the double par (so 8 times for a par 4) you write down 9.
Our course is a par 72 and I did play a shameful 119! Due to my handicap I may withdraw 30 strokes from it, giving me a net score of 89!
But what else can you expect if you don't play enough! I did had a great flight with 2 guys old enough to be my father! But they were young at hart! So, really enjoyed myself, lots of laughter and banter!

At the end of the day we had a BBQ and the prize ceremony!
Too my surprise I was not the last but second-last and this was good enough for a diner coupon of 250 euro at a specific restaurant!

I really should play more golf! Although it was a bad day at the golf course, I had a blast and that is what it is about!


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I golf approximately once every ten years. It takes me that long to forget how humiliated I was the last time I played.

Let me recount what happened last time. I was out with a couple friends. I was averaging about 15-20 strokes per hole. No matter how bad you are, though, once in a while you'll stumble ass-backwards into greatness.

There I was on some middle-of-the-game hole and wham. I drove the ball straight down the fairway like I was Hercules. To my surprise, there were about 5-6 guys watching me, who, having witnessed my prowess, broke into applause.

Me being me, I gave a slight nod of my head and a whisper of a wave in acknowledgement of their admiration. You know, like a mounted prince gracing the peasants with a passing glance.

Several holes later, to my horror, the same group had stopped playing and were awaiting, on a nearby hilltop, to see my next drive. To learn from the Master. I tried everything I could to stall ... to try to make them lose interest and go away. They exhibited zen-like patience.

So, finally, I lined up behind the ball and let rip. The ball never got more than 5 feet off the ground (and I'm being generous) and veered off at what I estimate to be a 45 degree angle from the direction I had intended.

I glanced up at the onlookers, my groupies. Their mouths were agape. They'd been conned ... and I was the Bernie Madoff of golf hopefuls. I had sold ice to Eskimos. They turned away, their hopes shattered by my deception, with naked looks of repugnance.

It's been almost 10 years now, so, I guess it's time to get back on the greens.


Great story!
What happens to me a lot is that after a great drive, the following shots are awfully 😔

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