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RE: Censorship Resistance Is At the Blockchain Level...

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

You are zen about being flagged, as you are about most things. But what we have going on right now goes way beyond regular flagging even from a year ago. I know at least four of my Steemit friends are so incensed about this they are on the brink of throwing in the towel.

You are popular, and yesterday I wouldn't have commented publicly, but my new day resolution is to do the comment I want to say and vote for who I want to upvote without constantly thinking "will this get me flagged?" (yes voting for the "wrong" person can earn a flag now!)

I'm now thinking that the current waves of flagging censorship are designed to control the content to some extent and scare off "conspiracy theorists" as far as possible.

Because I'm involved in those circles I've seen several of my contacts come under attack and that has really been ramped up in the past few months.

Any new accounts, even well known researchers - with no wallet power - are screwed, and I have seen them wiped off the platform in less than two months.


yeah, I'm sad about the decision to flag for unpopular views also. The thing is in a decentralized system there is really no way for us to fix it.

Those with large stake seem to be very hesitant to "handle" each other because I guess they would all get called out on their bs. I really don't know why none of them step up more often.

Don't mistake my ability to admit there is no easy way to fix for thinking I agree with how it is being handled.

....allow flagging without affecting their rewards, would be a good start....(or takes 10x the amount of downvoting sp than upvoting,...or something...

Code is law, as you say - and people change laws all the time...

It could be coded as such.

This is true and exactly what it would take to implement a change!

Now let's say we agree. Oh dang it, who is going to code it?

We are in a rough patch here. I wish some of these guys could calm down while we solve some problems. Sigh.

Oh dang it, who is going to code it?

I have my calculator I can use on my desktop, if that helps? lol

the 'rough patch' (from a commercial viewpoint), is killing steemit.
No 'serious' investor would look at this place, and the shenanigans,and see it as a stable place to put money...
They would see it as an egotist's playground, nothing more. A childish playground.
An erratic environment.
Not a place to park $$$$$$'s

Would the coding be a difficult job? if it were to be changed?

I agree that I can not picture any business putting in money right now,

Oddly it never seems to matter when the markets are hot.

The coding isn't that hard, it is the process of getting it approved and dropped.

I'm sure it would require a hardfork. which requires someone to write the code. Then it has to be worked into a testing zone, approved and 19 witnesses controlled by the Freedom account have to agree to drop it.

I heard whaleshares made it harder or more expensive to flag... I wonder how that is going?

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